finished Cavern

I finally got off my butt and took some FO pics of Cavern!

Pattern: my own
Yarn: Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece, bought from ebay as mis-dyed (dark brown/purple rather than black), 4 skeins
Needles: Denise US7
Started: August 24, 2005
Finished: September 24, 2005

I really wanted to use buttons for this, but once I got them on, it just looked weird. The raglan shaping is just right; I’ll have to use this as a template sweater!

Some more photos:



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17 responses to “finished Cavern”

  1. Lauren Avatar

    Looks great! Love the shape.

  2. Karma Avatar

    Looks like a winner! I love the deep v neckline. :)

  3. jacqueline Avatar

    i love it! it is absolutely gorgeous. well done.

  4. lynette Avatar

    i’m glad you got rid of the buttons. it’s perfect!

  5. Anna Avatar

    Lovely! It looks great–the pattern, the colour, the yarn…everything! Good move on the button elimination, a wise decision.

  6. Amy Avatar

    Great sweater! That is really cute. I hope you consider publishing the pattern as I would really like one of these myself :-)

  7. Leigh Avatar

    Cuuuuuuute! It looks like a sort of ballet sweater without the wraparound. Ooh, I like it a lot.

  8. grumperina Avatar

    Very, very cute! The tie front is a perfect alternative to buttons – I like it!

  9. Samantha Avatar

    It looks great! The buttons wouldn’t have done it justice. :)

  10. Lisa Avatar

    Looking so good. it highlights all the right areas…

  11. Beatknit Avatar

    Looks great! It would make a great template.

  12. Julia Avatar

    I love it! I know how you feel about the buttons. I originally wanted buttons on my Clementine sweater, but had to jettison them. Sometimes a knit just speaks to you and says “I do not want buttons!”

  13. Julie Avatar

    Looks like you might become the next Kim Hargreaves! I’m looking fwd. to seeing the pattern online.

  14. Jenn Avatar

    That looks great on you! It’s going to be an awesome winter knit, wearable with just about everything. I would wear it with jeans and a tank underneath, or dress it up with grey pants and boots. I love knits that just fit in the wardrobe perfectly, you know?

  15. Miss Twiss Avatar

    Well done. Be proud!

  16. Elspeth Avatar

    Gorgeous! So, when’s the pattern coming out? ;)

  17. Esther Avatar

    LOVE the top – it’s gorgeous and I think it buttons wouldn’t have added anything to it – great as is!

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