And it’s a good one!
I finally picked up a project I started back in 2008 (yikes, thanks to my Rav page I actually know when I started it) with yarn that I’d received for Christmas 2007. It’s gorgeous yarn, Handmaiden Swiss Mountain Cashmere and Silk. And since I have people who know what I like, I received 2 skeins from one person and a third in the same colour from someone else!
I decided on a simple tube scarf and to just knit until I was done the yarn. Turns out that wasn’t quite enough to capture my attention, I suppose, because I put it down for a loooong awhile and just recently unearthed it from the (okay, a) bin of unfinished projects. I had less than half a skein to go!

Okay, I know I don’t look that pleased, but I am! I finished it right up, wove in the ends and now I have a new scarf. It isn’t actually warm enough for right now, but hey, whatever. It’s still awfully pretty. I knit it as a stockinette tube with a purl stitch at the beginning and midpoint of the round, but after I’d finished I decided I like the purl side out better!
And I finished with just a teeny amount left over. Satisfying, eh?
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