FO numba two

Oooh, a flower basket!

Flower Basket Shawl
Pattern: by Evelyn A. Clark, Interweave Knits Fall 2004
Yarn: my handspun 2ply wool/silk; roving dyed by fleece artist
Needles: Denise US 6
Finished: March 25, 2006

Aw, it’s so pretty! I really do love this shawl. I ended up doing 9 repeats of the main basket pattern before the edging, and as it turned out, that was the perfect amount. And knitting with my handspun? Awesome. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, wool and silk is my favourite fibrey combo!

Onto a bit about the weaving – I’d actualyl really love a 4×4 loom, but since there was an article in MSL (you-know-who Living), Buxton Brook has had a run on them! Now I’m hoping there won’t be any cronies coming after me for these photos…

I really love the scarf and the pillows, and the whole thing’s rather inspirational – although come to think of it, I forgot to take a photo of 2 of the pages. Ooops. Well, whatever. I’m about reading to move on from those Fleece Artist sock leftovers, having made four squares the same! I’m going to try some thicker yarns, and maybe some organic cotton and hemp.

There’s REALLY super site on handlooms here: – check out the ‘projects’ section, it’s filled with vintage pattern booklets for download! Can you believe people were supposed to made bathing suits out of woven squares?!






17 responses to “FO numba two”

  1. Jessica Avatar

    I saw that article in MSL too, and recognized one of the yarns as Manos. Your squares are so cute and plaid looking. How long does it take to make a square out of sock yarn, once you get the hang of it? I think it’d be a fun way to use up my tons of sock yarn scraps, and make some funky throw pillows or coasters. Wouldn’t one of those squares make a cute coaster glued to a piece of cork?

  2. kris Avatar

    oh, the shawl is so beautiful! very cool that you’ve spun the yarn yourself.

    now i’m desperate for a handloom – thanks a lot! ;-)

  3. Dani Avatar

    Crap, I can feel another craft fascination coming on….

  4. Beth Avatar

    Your shawl is lovely – I’m jealous! Where do you normally purchace your fleece/roving?

  5. Rachel H Avatar
    Rachel H

    Your flower basket is So beautiful. Great job.

    oh, and I’m pretending I didn’t see all the neat loom stuff. Neither did I click on the link to the vintage weaving patterns. Didn’t see it. Not tempted in the least. Nosiree. Nope. Uh uh.


  6. amyknitty Avatar

    oh heavens. i was just at LK this weekend and bought a 6x6er. and now i won’t toss it aside after my first (vaguely lame) attempt with some too-thin silk. i will have to keep going. kinda neat, actually. thanks for the link!

  7. --Deb Avatar

    Your shawl looks gorgeous. And yeah, I’ve been feeling tempted by weaving lately, too . . . I think it’s only a matter of time!

  8. Steph Avatar

    The shawl is beautiful! I love wool and silk too. And that colour…gorgeous.

    I am not looking at the hand loom. NO siree. Good thing I can’t get to LK this week.

  9. Chris Avatar

    Your shawl is STUNNING. Wool & silk is my favorite fiber combination, too. Yum.

    Oh, you are so tempting me with these little looms…

  10. grumperina Avatar

    Gorgeous shawl, and that much more special out of your own handspun!

  11. Felicia from sweetgeorgia Avatar

    Fan-freaking-tastic! Handspun FBS?! Gorgeous. I love the closeup.

  12. Cara Avatar

    Beautiful shawl and beeeea-utiful yarn. I’m totally with you–wool and silk is my favorite fiber combo, too.

  13. Alexa Avatar

    Your shawl looks great! I’m also very impressed that you spun your own yarn for that, damn! Skillsss.

  14. Julia Avatar

    Your shawl is gorgeous! Beautiful colors. In fact, everything you’ve been doing lately is breathtaking. Go girl!

  15. Jana Trent Avatar

    Please send a photo of your finished hand loom project for the eLoomaNation gallery! The more buzz, the more clever ideas, the more buzz, etc, etc….

  16. Rachael Avatar

    Hi, just wondering which issue of MSL that article is in? I’m in Australia, and we get MSL a month behind, and I’m really interested in reading it!

  17. Wendi Avatar

    And I was just about to throw out my sock yarn leftovers! Thanks for saving me!

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