FO: raspy

Raspy’s done, and I think I like it!

Pattern: Rowan Denim People
Yarn: Pakucho organic cotton in…I think it was avocado
Needles: Denise US6
Finished: August 20, 2006

As you can see, the sleeves are quite baggy while the body is fairly fitted. Serves me right for fiddling with the body numbers but not the sleeve! I think I was just tired of changing the numbers.

The Rachael:

The “whoops I took a photo” shot, which I think actually shows the sweater quite well:

The modified neckline. I lowered the front neck by doing some short rows, and did my own thing with the dropped stitches. I also seamed it up right side out, so no inside-out seams here. The neck was too wide when i finished up (plus, felt a little unsubstantial) so I did a round of single crochet, skipping about every 4th stitch.

Looking at various clothing retailers’ websites, I think all the new fall sweaters out there are getting to me! I want sweaters! More, more! My head is swimming with sweater ideas. Plus, in Reitmans today I saw many a sweater, including quite a few bulky ones (3 st/in) so perhaps there’ll be a nice chunky sweater flying off my needles soon.






20 responses to “FO: raspy”

  1. mary Avatar

    The sweater fits great! I’m encouraged. I have a bunch of pakucho cotton in natural and haven’t figured out what to make with it yet. I’m really impressed by the drape of it. Nice!

  2. julia Avatar

    raspy looks fantastic!

  3. Bente B Avatar

    This is really nice!!!! It fits you great ;)

  4. Julia Avatar

    Really cute! I know exactly what you mean about fall!

  5. Leslie Avatar

    Well, I really like it. I think it fits you beautifully and looks comfortable and hip at the same time. You go girl!

  6. wavybrains Avatar

    This looks great on you! Absolutely fabulous color and fit for you :)

  7. Susan Avatar

    It’s so cute, and flattering. All the while you were posting it as a WIP, I was thinking, “Oh, some punk-rock type thing.” But now that’s it’s finished, I like it! I’d like to see the back.

  8. --Deb Avatar

    I think it looks great. And given a choice, I’d opt for a well-fitting body and less-perfect sleeves, too. But they still work!

  9. grumperina Avatar

    Fabulous Raspy! Looks really comfy – enjoy!

  10. bekka Avatar

    very nice. i bought the book a while ago with making raspy in mind. don’t have yarn. don’t have time. but it’s on my list. thanks for the photos. looks great on you!

  11. Gina Avatar

    You are rockin’ Raspy. I like the baggy sleeves.

  12. MademoiselleCaroline Avatar

    That Raspy look yummy! I LOVE the color. Looks like it’s a perfect fit for you. And the baggy sleeves? They rock. Yay for you! Cheers!

  13. jenna Avatar

    Looks great! It’s one of the nicer ones I’ve seen.

  14. Maritza Avatar

    Oh it’s so pretty! Great job!

  15. krista Avatar

    Looks great. nice job.

  16. Tanya Avatar

    Very cute! I like the baggy sleeves with it.

  17. Michelle T. Avatar
    Michelle T.

    CUTE! Where did you get the pattern? I looked through old posts and couldn’t find it. . .

  18. Julie Avatar

    Really good fit. The Pakucho makes a very nice fabric and the colour is very flattering on you. Well done! :)

  19. Dipsy D. Avatar

    I really, really love Raspy, it looks fantastic and seems to fit really well! I don’t think you should be worried about the sleeves, they add a really cute BoHo-like style to the sweater, absolutely hip and trendy! Awesome job you did!

  20. Cecile Avatar

    this is lovely and your work is insprational. how you get so much done, i’ll never know, but thanks for posting it!

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