FO: Tree Jacket

Quite a few of you picked out the tree jacket from the Gretel photos yesterday – so here’s the official report!

tree jacket, done

Tree Jacket
Pattern: Tree Jacket from Zephyr Style
Yarn: The Fibre Company Terra in Acorn, every bit of 8 skeins
Needles: Denise US 8

This one took less than a week to knit! Now that’s a quick sweater. The yarn’s definitely captivating, plus the pattern’s simple and chunky enough that I was able to get it out really quickly.

As I posted about before, I was pretty short on yarn. I had seven matching skeins, plus the one pinky one – it seems to have worked out fine! I could’ve done the smallest size, as it turns out (and I’m 36″, so it was a gauge issue) and then I might’ve been able to make the sleeves longer or something.

I knit the second size and it’s a bit baggy under the arms. I do love the garter stitch yoke, and I even love the jog at the beginning of the round.

tree jacket, back

The biasing of the lace in the body is really flattering! That was a nice surprise. I ended up using three skeins of yarn for the yoke, another 2.75 for the lace in the body (plus a bit of the pinky one for the ribbing) and then the remaining 1.25 skeins for the sleeves.

It was a bit hairy – I knit the body long enough, and added a couple extra rounds of ribbing to make sure it wouldn’t roll. Then I weighed the remaining yarn and knit both sleeves at the same time (okay, alternating every couple rounds) and decreasing right away – the pattern has you do quite a few inches straight before decreasing. I managed four decreases before running out of the matching yarn.

Then I switched to the pinky skein and to stockinette, and just kept going until I was out of yarn. The sleeve length actually works really well for me, so I’m happy. And no leftovers!

I loved knitting this sweater, and it turned out great. What more can a knitter ask for?

tree jacket, done



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28 responses to “FO: Tree Jacket”

  1. LizKnits Avatar

    congrats on the knit! She looks great and how I love a fast sweater project.

  2. Missyecaj Avatar

    Awesome! I didn’t even notice in the Gretel pic, but I went back to look, and there it is. :) I think the pink edging is great, and the sleeve length seems very wearable.

  3. ann Avatar

    It’s really cute! I’m curious about the biasing on the body though. It doesn’t look like it biases on the model on the pattern page – did you do any mods or do you think their pics are slightly deceptive?

  4. Ruth Avatar

    It looks like a great layering piece, and the two colors are a nice touch.

  5. Lakshmi Avatar

    Lovely and so fast to knit. I’ll think of it for a next project

  6. Bertha Avatar

    Ahhh! That looks so awesome!

  7. Cheryl Avatar

    It looks good! And I like the bias too.

  8. Seanna Lea Avatar

    Definitely second ann’s comment. I find the biasing a little surprising, though it is flattering both ways.

  9. Debbie Avatar

    Awesome, awesome! The Fibre Company Terra is the best!

  10. Natalie B Avatar
    Natalie B

    oooo… I like!! very pretty!!

  11. Laura Avatar

    I’m so happy for you!

  12. Jane Avatar

    Gorgeous! I’m curious, though, as that’s on my to-knit list for next winter – does one have to do biased lace? Or is it possible to work it with the lace running vertically down the body?

  13. carolyn Avatar

    ok, how DO you knit so fast? you’re incredible!

  14. Crissy@indiebizchick Avatar

    Great sweater. I can’t believe you knit it so fast!

  15. gleek Avatar

    looks quite comfortable and cute!

  16. alison Avatar

    It really did turn out great — I love the pinky edges. Lovely! And so cozy-looking, too.

  17. Julia Avatar

    It’s so beautiful!! So modern and cute…and flattering.

  18. Right Out Loud Avatar

    Very nice! I love the 3/4 sleeve and the garter stitch yoke. I think I’ll put it on the queue.

  19. LynnH Avatar

    Nice save, the different color looks like a feature rather than a fix. And I love the jog, too.

    I don’t do many sweaters… my last one took me a year because I kept knitting other things while I decided what to do next. (I made it up, specifically to be a super-warm sweater for cold camping at music festivals. It did turn out perfect for that purpose.)

    I finished that sweater in Sept 03, cast on for my next one last month. Was supposed to be knitting along with a friend… but she is ahead of me. I just don’t have my heart into it, though it looks very promising!

    Congrats on a one-week sweater. You have a rare skill. Go, Grrl!

  20. Suzanne V. (Yarnhog) Avatar

    I really like the color change, especially since it comes with a stitch change that highlights it. Totally a design feature, not a mistake!

  21. Niki Avatar

    I love your color combo! I also did the medium and think I could have gotten away with the small. The sleeves feel a little large. Overall, a fun knit. Yours looks fab!

  22. jane Avatar

    I still think it looks like it’s made of two flavours of gingerbread. Fabulous though.

    BTW, you’ve Made My Day: (even if you’ve already had it once).

  23. sari Avatar

    i love this sweater! it is adorable.

  24. Tajhia Avatar

    I really like that sweater – it looks like it is a very flattering knit and really warm too.

  25. Heather Avatar

    Oh.My.God. It is love at first sight. What a beautiful sweater! I was on the fence about knitting the Tree jacket and now it is decided – I have to knit it. And to be more specific…. I think I may have to knit one almost exactly like yours! Is that wrong??

    Well done!

  26. hesira Avatar

    The sweater looks great on you! Your color choices work really well together.

  27. Natalie Avatar

    Everything on here is so inspiring!! Love the hat and the tree jacket.

  28. Debbie Avatar

    Your tree jacket looks great! I really like the way you did the neck. I have been trying to make up my mind on this sweater – but now I am inspired! Thanks!

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