I am completely infatuated, must make it NOW obsessed with the Stitch Diva Hairpin Lace Skirt.
I’ve got a slight step up on the technique, anyway – I’ve seen Denny do it! And I know how to single crochet, too. I am totally going to make it for my trip.
Trip? Yep, I’m a-goin’ away, in a little less than a month, for two weeks. It’ll be the longest vacation (as in, away from home) that I’ve been on in more than five years – I stopped going with my parents and sisters on their summer vacations (usually to Florida) in favour of staying home in a nice big house by myself.
This year, though, there’s a different plan: my sister and I shall fly down to Texas on the 20th of May, where we will stay with my cousins in Austin for about a week doing fun things – it sure looks like a fun place!
Then my parents will fly down and we’ll board a Big Boat for a western caribbean cruise – Jamaica, the Caymans and Cozumel. I’m a bit apprehensive about the boat part (and the plane part, for that matter) but I’m sure it’ll be lots of fun. And there’s lots of cousins the same age to hang out with. It’s going to be a bit insane – there’s 24 people in our party! We even have a minibus booked for the trip from Houston to the port in Galveston.
Anyway. That long winded description of the trip = need new hairpin skirt. This brings me to a related point: since I have decided that Maryland isn’t going to fly (REALLY can’t afford to go by myself, plus I wouldn’t be able to drive once there…so yeah, also, can’t find anyone else to go with) I have decided that I can spend whatever the hell I want at the Frolic on Saturday.
Important math:
a) I will spend hundreds of dollars less at the Frolic than I would at Maryland.
b) I’ll be working, and therefore will have less time to spend walking around and spending money (although I’ll be sure to get enough time in there!)
c) since I’ll be working, that’ll offset a bit of the spending.
Not math, but:
d) I’ve made a list of stuff I want, which includes some kind of swishy drapey ribbon yarn (so not me yarn) for the skirt.
Gotta go spin the water out of that completed sweatercoat!
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