good food

My first no-knead-type bread, from “Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day” (a great book, but check the errata!!).

first loaf, a nice big slice

With butter, of course.

Leftover risotto + chunks of mozzarella (inside) + egg + breadcrums + oil = deep fried arancini goodness.

yummmmmy arancini

Also, homemade oreos. Need I say more?

homemade oreos

(Next time I’d roll the dough into a log and slice-and-bake, so they’d all come out the same size! Also, my icing is not really white because I use very dark Mexican vanilla extract. But it’s okay, they’re still awesome.)

File under “good enough to eat”, my tube scarf out of Handmaiden Swiss Mountain Cashmere and Silk is progressing nicely, and causes knitters to say things like, “oh my god, what is this?! I want to roll around naked in it!”

silk/cashmere scarf



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11 responses to “good food”

  1. Jocelyn Grayson Avatar
    Jocelyn Grayson

    Those cookies look great. Coincidentally, Dorie Greenspan had a column on her blog today about turning “ball and press” cookies into refrigerator roll out cookies. It’s the first point here: She didn’t go for the log, but that would almost be easier.

  2. Jacey Avatar

    I’m all over those cookies, and the risotto bites! Yum!

  3. Hannahbelle Avatar

    Oh, now I’m so hungry for one of those homemade oreos….

    You always make me want to eat the most beautiful things!

  4. ysolda Avatar

    ooh I’m making risotto right now. I think I know what will be happening to the leftovers :)

  5. Rachel Avatar

    What delicious stuff you’ve made (even the non-edible things, lol!) I’ve reserved that bread cook book at my library, and I can’t wait to try out some of the breads I’ve been drooling over at people’s blogs!

  6. gleek Avatar

    oh, my, god. homemade oreos! amazing! i’ll have to make those pronto.

  7. Elizabeth Avatar

    The cookies were truly scrumptious – sorry I forget to mention this both last night and today on the phone. mmmmmm….

  8. Seanna Lea Avatar

    Gosh, this is making me hungry! Good thing that I get to have dinner soon (umm, within 2 hours).

  9. Romi Avatar


  10. Brenda Avatar

    How did you like the no-knead bread?
    My normal bread recipe takes 10 minutes of kneading. Being lazy, I”d love to find a good no-knead recipe. Those that I’ve tried so far have fallen short.

  11. Lorih Avatar

    I am so hungry for all those things you made…especially the risotto balls. It all looks delicious!

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