My first no-knead-type bread, from “Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day” (a great book, but check the errata!!).
With butter, of course.
Leftover risotto + chunks of mozzarella (inside) + egg + breadcrums + oil = deep fried arancini goodness.
Also, homemade oreos. Need I say more?
(Next time I’d roll the dough into a log and slice-and-bake, so they’d all come out the same size! Also, my icing is not really white because I use very dark Mexican vanilla extract. But it’s okay, they’re still awesome.)
File under “good enough to eat”, my tube scarf out of Handmaiden Swiss Mountain Cashmere and Silk is progressing nicely, and causes knitters to say things like, “oh my god, what is this?! I want to roll around naked in it!”
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