gratuitous log cabin photos

I’m so relieved, I can hardly tell you. I wrote my last exam for the session on Thursday afternoon and promptly went shopping. I really need to get my giftmas act together – I’m feeling the crafty vibe! I’m planning on making some cards and printing some wrapping paper, and I need to sew up some presents as well. Yay!

I finished up the Log Cabin blankie this week as well:

Log Cabin Blankie
Pattern: basics from Mason-Dixon Knitting; strips were about 10 ridges deep.
Needles: Denise US10
Yarn: All my own handspun, handdyed merinos! There’s a good couple of early ones in there, as well as oddballs that were completely used up (yay). It’s a whole lotta yarn!
Finished Size: approx. 48″ by 48″

How big is that?

Closeup. The fabric is nice and heavy.

And the back – quite neat, really. I knit in some ends as I went.

It’s just lovely. Just lovely.



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37 responses to “gratuitous log cabin photos”

  1. jody Avatar

    oh wow, it *is* lovely! i’ll bet all that garter stitch makes it heavy but wonderfully drapey. love that you were able to use up some oddballs too.

  2. Pat Avatar

    That is by far the prettiest log cabin blanket that I have seen! The warm and cool colors are splendid!
    Gorgeous spinning, dyeing and knitting!

  3. suzanne Avatar

    Lovely? STUNNING is more like it! Absolutely gorgeous–all the best of the original but with a depth of handspun vibe.

  4. alison Avatar

    Beautiful, Laura — especially because the wool is handspun and hand-dyed. It will be wonderful to wrap yourself up in it on a cold day. Good luck with Xmas prep, and congrats on finishing the term!

  5. nunnun Avatar

    It’s beautiful!

  6. Shorty Avatar


    Your blanket is beautiful! I’m going to have to give one a try one day soon.


  7. Jessie Avatar

    Ooh.. I love the contrast with the warm and cool colors. It is beautiful! And the back looks so neat too.

  8. Moni Avatar

    That is absolutely lovely! I love the idea of using your handspun for it. I’m just learning how to spin right now and I have lots of little oddball hanks of yarn that I have not idea how to use. What a great idea!

  9. grumperina Avatar

    It’s more than “just lovely” – it’s spectacular! Probably my favorite log cabin blanket I’ve seen so far!

  10. Alison Avatar

    That is lovely! So inspiring to see as well, since I have decided to make one as a wedding gift for a couple who I am close friends with. They got engaged very recently and haven’t set a date yet, so there’s time. ;)

  11. lynette Avatar

    i agree that it is lovely. your hand-dyed yarn is also beautiful! the colors are so rich.

  12. Carrie Avatar

    Beautiful! I hope you’ll be keeping this for yourself!

  13. hpny knits Avatar

    its looks great!! but made out of your own hand-spun hand-dyed- its really art.

  14. Allegra Avatar

    It *is* lovely!! And you must feel great that it was made all with your own handspun! bravo!

  15. laura b Avatar

    I cannot get over how gorgeous that blanket is. Truly beautiful.

  16. megan h Avatar
    megan h

    wow, laura, that looks so cozy! you never fail to impress. miss you tons!

  17. Lynn Avatar

    Lovely indeed! This is the first log cabin I’ve seen that is one massive square instead of a series of small ones. Beautiful.

  18. Gina Avatar

    That turned out just beautiful! I love blankets with some weight to them.

  19. Dipsy D. Avatar

    Your Log Cabin looks absolutely stunning, it’s so beautiful! The fact that you made it as one big square makes it all the more unique – fantastic work!

  20. gleek Avatar

    it IS just lovely! i love the choice of colors. that’s going to be a blanket that gets handed down through your family :)

  21. kelp! Avatar

    The blanket is gorgeous! And knit from your own handspun yarns – awesome!

  22. Expat knits Avatar

    It’s stunning! I especially love the warm colours. Great job on the dyeing (and the spinning, and the knitting…) Wonderful!

  23. Laura Avatar

    Lovely, indeed! I’m so inspired now. I love all those colors.

  24. Katie Avatar

    Congrats on making it through your exams!

    The blanket is stunning. and lovely. and amazing. and…

  25. jenny Avatar

    it’s GORGEOUS!

  26. Kristi Avatar

    You’re right, that blanket is lovely. I love the handspun yarn … it’s just beautiful.

  27. Leigh Avatar

    I love the way you used the warm and cool colors. Thanks too for the close-ups. Love those colors!

  28. Kathleen Avatar

    Yet another blanket fan over here!

  29. cathy Avatar

    lovely blanket

  30. Heather Avatar

    Oh I agree – and I love the rainbow effect. I have some Manos collected that might be headed for a throw like this…

  31. aija Avatar

    What a great project for handspun! I love it, it turned out wonderfully.

  32. JenH Avatar

    that is spectacular. congratulations

  33. dennymcmillan Avatar

    well done, told ya it was fun knit, did you like the knitting part. I know plain knitting drives people up the wall, did you like it?

    May be some crochet in the new year, or more weaving perhaps. I’m getting a “candle making” phase coming on.

    Do you ever get those?
    Thanks for working for me, this Tues. see ya wed. cheers

  34. Teena Avatar

    Wow! I’ve never seen this pattern before. Is there a link for the pattern?

  35. susan Avatar

    your blanket is absolutely beautiful! i now want to make one!! how long did it take you?

  36. Chelle Avatar

    Gorgeous Log Cabin Blanket…it’s just beautiful!

  37. mountain michelle Avatar

    that looks so nice im going to ask my grammy to make me one like that

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