happiness in a white box

Doorbell ringing Monday morning got me out of bed right quick.


happiness in a box

Only Apple would have styrofoam this awesome.

only Apple...


my precious

New and old.


I spent all yesterday evening playing with my new computer, moving stuff over from my old (G3, circa 2003) iBook, and futzing with settings. Two finger scroll? Awesome. One-touch right-click? Awesome. Seriously, I loved my old iBook, but I am in a whole lotta love with my new Macbook.

And today?

I made it some new clothes!

mostly-complete laptop sleeve

Details next post, or just click on through to my Flickr for the details!







18 responses to “happiness in a white box”

  1. Jessica Avatar

    Lovely! I just got a new MacBook Pro recently too. My old Powerbook was from around the same time as your iBook. I like the clothes :)

  2. jaya Avatar

    Congrats on the new computer! :)

  3. meg Avatar

    Patten combinations like that make me wish I could sew… Your laptop cover is beautiful!

  4. Sasha Avatar

    Gorgeous! I’ve never been exposed to The Mac before, but it’s always intrigued me and lured me like some kind of exotic fruit.. mmm…

  5. kate Avatar

    i recently bought a new mac as well and i am totally in love, too! it is amazing what a difference a good (well designed) computer makes.

    i have 1/2 of a case made. yours is definitely inspiring me to get my act together and finish!

  6. sheila Avatar

    How positively awesome. Lovin’ the new threads!

  7. knitbug Avatar

    Awesome case! I wish my brand new Macbook’s optical drive wasn’t already needing repair :( How do you so the one touch right click on yours? Anyhoo, love its new wardrobe, great job!

  8. Julie Avatar

    Ooh, your new Macbook is so shiny and new! Who doesn’t love a new computer. I love the case you made for it.. what pattern are you using? Or did you just whip that up based on the measurements and your know-how alone?

  9. Seanna Lea Avatar

    Congrats on the new computer! I am back to the old desktop computer after my last laptop died (last June). I have one of the XO computers, but I haven’t done nearly enough with it yet.

  10. adrienne Avatar

    ENJOY IT! I love my macbook!

  11. Elizabeth Avatar

    Enjoy the Mac! I adore mine. And I love the case you made for it. Very cute.

  12. Michaela Avatar

    I LOVE my Mac Book! Congrats on your new computer. I wish I could make a cute case for mine like yours!!

  13. vickimakes Avatar

    We just *upgraded* to our first Mac ever and we love it!!!
    Since you use a lot of photos…It took me a while to figure this out, maybe you know this already, but apparently for the new MacBooks you have to export your photos to your desktop and then upload them from there. Then just trash those files when you’re done because they’re just copies (you can also highlight and drag to copy them).
    They changed this from the older versions because people would mees up their iPhoto directories while playing in them…
    I too, also love the two finger scroll, did you know it works side to side as well??
    Love your case…I bought mine a Lexie Echo 13 in one of the old prints (on sale!!!).

  14. isela Avatar

    lovely! I have always wanted to try a mac.

  15. kitkatknit Avatar

    Anyday that starts and ends with a Mac is a great day. I got my first on March 13, 1984. Sounds like an excuse to party!!
    (written from my MacBook)

  16. Sarah Avatar

    Hi, a lurker in Michigan here. I’m eager to see your finished Lush & Lacy–I hope you will share when it is done. I’m intrigued how different it looks on each person on Ravelry and I was thinking of making it, trying to decide if it looks better a little over sized or fitted. I’ve enjoyed your knitting and have my eye on Lucy in the sky cardigan for a future project.

  17. CabinGirl Avatar

    Congrats on the new macbook!

    (and thanks to Vickimakes for explaining that what I found so annoying about the new version of iPhoto is a feature, not a bug. :) )

  18. Elana Avatar

    Oooooooo computer envy!

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