hell yeah!

The finish line is in sight!

Five inches of raglan completed! The finish line is in sight, and I *really* didn’t think I was going to make the deadline!







35 responses to “hell yeah!”

  1. Rachel H Avatar
    Rachel H

    I am so far beyond impressed I’m not able to find the right words. That Is Incredible!! Great Job!

  2. anna Avatar

    amazing work! truly worthy of the olympics! knit on…

  3. grumperina Avatar

    It’s remarkable how quickly you cranked out this one!

  4. JennyRaye Avatar

    Woot!!! It’s gorgeous! Great job!

  5. allison Avatar

    Woohoo! Great work :)

  6. Claudia Avatar

    WOW! That is absolutely gorgeous!! Congratulations!

  7. Dani Avatar

    Good god Laura, do you have any fingers left?!

  8. Colleen Avatar

    Hell, frikin’ yeah indeed! Looks great, love the colors and the pattern.

  9. Alexa Avatar

    Yay, go you! I have a great amount of respect for any knitter who can make such a large project in such a short amount of time.

  10. Jenna Avatar

    Absolutely gorgeous – I’m really really tempted to buy that Rowan mag, now!

  11. --Deb Avatar

    It looks absolutely fabulous!

  12. Heidi Avatar

    You don’t sleep, do you?! It’s just lovely.

  13. Julia Avatar

    God, it looks so good!

  14. Robyn Avatar

    Great job! Looks fantastic.

  15. Shayla Avatar

    WOW. You are GREAT! How in the world can you knit that fast?! Your sweater is AWESOME!

  16. Theresa Avatar

    Awesome! And you cleverly chose a project that didn’t involve massive amounts of seaming . . . smart. Very smart.

  17. Rose Avatar

    I have been lurking watching your progress–the sweater is absolutely gorgeous.

  18. Siri Avatar

    You’re going to make it and I bet you’re going to love it, too.

  19. Emy Avatar

    That’s amazing! How much sleep time do you even have in the first place?

  20. jacqueline Avatar

    you are amazing! i am in awe….

  21. Noo Avatar

    It’s looking absolutely fabulous! Well done, you!

  22. jess Avatar

    gorgeous! cheering you on from the sidelines! Good job! :)

  23. suzanne Avatar

    WOW! that is impressive!

  24. Stacey Avatar

    The more it comes together, the more I like it! I also love the colors you chose!

  25. Lisa Avatar

    I so knew you would finish it on time. It looks awesome.

  26. Jen Avatar

    awww yeah! nicely done!

  27. Miss Twiss Avatar

    Are you getting any sleep? Wow!

  28. Scott Avatar

    I never had any doubts you would reach the finish line on time. It looks golden to me.

  29. Jen M Avatar
    Jen M

    Wow, you are amazing! I started on a two-color only fair isle hat last night, and only got about an inch done before I collapsed. Guess I have to train some more to get to your Olympic athlete level :)

  30. anona Avatar

    Eunny, maybe you could tell us how you get the fair isle pattern to go over the arm joins. Not just for this particular pattern, but in general what is your thought process for figuring it out?

  31. kaisakaisa Avatar

    Ooh, that’s truly beautiful! I’m just amazed of your knitting speed and stamina.

  32. Peg Avatar

    Wow and WOW! Beautiful and I love the colour!

  33. Karma Avatar

    “Hell, yeah” is right! Woohoo!!

  34. Anny Avatar

    Wow! That looks absolutely stunning! I love love love the colour combination. Congratulations. Here’s to the homestretch!

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