in the dying daylight

Feather and Fan Shawl
Pattern: feather and fan comfort shawl
Yarn: My own handspun merino – don’t know about the yardage, but I’d say about 600 yards of heavy worsted.
Needles: Denise US 10.5
Finished: January 15, 2006

Love, love, LOVE it! It’s really quite big (about 74″ across the top and 30″ deep) and super cozy. Three of the colourways I dyed; the yellow/green one I bought.



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26 responses to “in the dying daylight”

  1. Peg Avatar

    Beautiful shawl! Love the colours and I can see you will get lots of wear and compliments from this knitting! What dyes do you use?

  2. Chris Avatar

    Completely spectacular and totally unlike any other shawl I’ve seen – kudos!

  3. Betsy Avatar

    So beautiful! Congratulations!


  4. grumperina Avatar

    OMG, you have daylight?!? That’s as extinct here in Boston as dinosaurs, I tell ya! Seriously, the shawl is awesome, and so perfect for the winter :).

  5. carole Avatar

    oooooh, that is really really gorgeous.

  6. jessica Avatar

    wow, the colors look lovely together. must feel extra nice knowing that you dyed, spun AND knit it all yourself.

  7. terhi Avatar

    It’s beautiful! I love the last photo, the shawl looks so nice worn like that. :-)

  8. Dani Avatar

    Very pretty! I looks really warm

  9. Allison Avatar

    Your shawl is so cool! The colours look beautiful together. Congratulations.

  10. lynette Avatar

    it’s beautiful! great job!

  11. Tara Avatar

    Great job! It is so beautiful!

  12. Michelle Avatar

    Wow, lovely shawl. Those colours really look warm, especially on a cold day like today! They really emphasize the patterning too.

  13. Lori Avatar

    It looks like a beautiful sunset!

  14. Kira Avatar

    I love the colours – its a very different look to most shawls that I have seen!

  15. Roxanne Avatar

    Gorgeous! Well done!

  16. Suzuko Avatar

    Amazing!!! Soooooo productive! Great color choices, please please please teach me to knit as fast as you! I knit vicariously through you.. well, I knit slow, so, I speed knit vicariously through you (he he he.) I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve next. :)

  17. carolyn h in ct Avatar
    carolyn h in ct

    wow, really nice. i love the long tails in front. great job! and i also love the handspun. you are so productive!

  18. Julia Avatar

    Astonishing! Truly beautiful! The fact that you dyed some of the yarn brings it to a whole other level…you must be proud!

  19. jae Avatar

    Ooo, the waviness and the colours… quite lovely.

  20. Latoya Avatar

    The shawl is beautiful!

  21. Tandi Avatar

    Wow, that is amazing. The colors you used are beautiful together.

  22. Megann Avatar

    Its so beautiful. Did you follow the shawl pattern you linked to exactly? Or did you modify (aside from the heavier yarn choice)? I think this is my next project, after I finish the shawl I’m working on, of course!

  23. Ann Carpenter Avatar
    Ann Carpenter

    I LOVE the shawl! I plan to start the simple yet effective shawl as soon as I decide what to use for it. I love that particular shape. Your dying is great too. I really like the colors you chose, they are some of my favorites, especially the last bright green.

  24. mimi Avatar

    How nice to be able to wear something you’ve knitted and even the yarn is your own product! You’ve finished in a good time to wear this winter.

  25. inma Avatar

    es precioso, enhorabuena.

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