insert creative title

The log cabin blankie is growing; it’s really quite large now. I have this feeling that I might not stop until it’s actually big enough for say, the bed, but on the other hand I have a set amount of yarn now, and maybe I’ll just stop when it runs out.

Someone asked for a shot of the back – here tis:

Not too bad, where the ends are concerned. I’m knitting in half of the ends as I go – when I start a block, I knit in the tail from the new yarn. So when I’m done I’ll just chop those off and weave in the other half of the ends.

I don’t have much time to work on it right now, but I did finish that pink block on the right while my lentils were cooking last night. That yarn is not the greatest, but it was one of my earlier wheel efforts. Not bad, not bad.

I have so little of the grey cabled cardi to finish, but I don’t know when it’ll get done…I have so much to do!! Plus I just keep adding sweaters to my “to-knit” list. It’s nuts, I tells ya.

Skin and diet stuff:
Thanks for all the encouragement and stories. I’ve been going to doctors and using topical prescriptions for my entire life (that’s a whole lotta steroids) and decided it was time for a change. So off to the clinic at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine I went (they have great rates btw). This diet was prescribed by my doctor there, and I’ll be on it for two weeks. It’s been three days (today’s the fourth) and my hands already look better – it’s going to be interesting reintroducing the foods to see what makes them worse.

I’ve bought a lot of food to try and have stuff on hand for when I want to eat, but it’s been pretty tough. Especially resisting the cookies at last night’s snb! I did finally find something to help satisfy my sweet tooth (it appears I’m hopelessly addicted to sugar..): blueberries! Yum. Anyway, it’s going to be a big fat challenge, along with knitting and school deadlines, but hey, week one is half over.



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14 responses to “insert creative title”

  1. Shannon Avatar

    Awesome log cabin! looks great! And good luck on the restrictive diet! It’s hard work, for sure, but I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to get some relief. Here’s hoping the enemy isn’t gluten–that’s a beyotch to live with.

  2. hpny knits Avatar

    it is looking very very good! I think the “run out of yarn” option is great. it makes it more fun. on the other hand, having done one, I know it is addicting to do it, so you can start another when you are done with this one!…

  3. Anne Avatar

    I love the blankie. And well done with the diet – these first few days are the worst – once you get into more of a routine with it and break some of your old habits it’ll get easier.

  4. Robin Avatar

    Your log cabin is looking fabulous, Laura! Do hang in there with the diet – it does get easier once those cravings pass. See if you can have brown rice syrup and/or stevia for sweeteners.

  5. Melanie Avatar

    I have eczema on my hands too,especially on my knuckles. I find if I lay off the soda pop it goes away. CRAZY Especially because I can’t stop drinking it. :(
    The blanket looks great BTW
    Happy THanksgiving!

  6. Dipsy D. Avatar

    Your log cabin looks so absolutely perfect already – and I really like your “running out of yarn” idea!
    And yes, well done with the diet – I think after a couple of days which are always the hardest you’ll get used to it a bit better, and you’ll soon be seeing – and feeling! – the positive results! All the very best to you!

  7. Monika Avatar

    Oh-my-god! Your handspun Log Cabin is gorgeous! I LOVE the colors! I like all your other knitting too.

  8. brenda in toronto Avatar

    glad to hear you’re seeing some improvement already… would love if you shared the whole experience with us…

  9. gleek Avatar

    i’m just loving the log cabin blanket! it’s really coming along! your color choices for each block are really fun and to think that you are using your handspun too! great idea.

    glad to hear the diet is already making an improvement on your skin. i’d be interested to know how it all turns out.

  10. Anny Avatar

    Love the blankie! No, really! And how great would that be full size?

    Hang in there with the diet. It’ll hopefully pay off big time ;0)

  11. Wannietta Avatar

    I like the warm/cold split. How big do you think/plan for it to end up?

  12. Katie Avatar

    I love the colors in your log cabin, esp. with the reds vs. blues.

  13. DeeDee Avatar

    LOVE your blankie… many, many, many years ago I made a double bed size and am still using it! Now a totally unrelated question. Do you know any button stores in Toronto? Fabricland doesn’t have what I want and a lot of the funky little fabric/notion stores on Queen West have gone. There is only one button store and I bombed out there. Alternatively, is there anything on line? Thanks in advance!

  14. Juls Avatar

    The log cabin is beautiful! Hope the diet works. Flax oil is also a nice one for my son, but the biggie for him was eliminating all actual detergent. ie, using vegetable based soap (yucca plant, etc.) such as California Baby.

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