So it occurs to me that, as it does every year, that Christmas is sneaking up on me. It might be the piles of work that lay between me and it (both paid and unpaid), or maybe just denial. At any rate, the knitting list?
– super secret project #1 – alllllmost done. I’m hoping to finish up the seam today.
– noro blanket – no further along than the last time I posted.
– xmas gift #1, socks – 1 sock done! Thank goodness for sportweight yarn.
– xmas gift #2, bolero – back and one front done. Need to get on that.
– xmas gift #3, shawl – I’d say 75% done.
It’s in worsted weight tweed, on 5.5 mm needles, so it is going pretty fast. Unfortunately, the yarn (Classic Elite Skye Tweed) is crocking off on my fingers – they turn black after just a few rows! So that’s making it a bit sucky.
You know, I guess that’s really it. It just seems so daunting. And then there’s the paid working (on a deadline) that needs to get done as well.
How on earth am I going to finish everything??
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