I’m terribly sorry about the quality of these photos – perhaps my constant headache due to sickness is to blame. I am feeling much better today and managed to stay out of bed, although my throat was killing me. Felt like I’d swallowed a golf ball and it wasn’t going anywhere.
The blue cabled pullover is done, so I can check one pre-Olympic goal off! As I knit the sleeve (which has a diamond cable on it), it was rolling and folding very strangely. Observe:
the sleeve, relaxed.
Actually on my arm, which gives me the hope that it’ll look fine while worn:
Evidence of blocking:
Note that the front neck is, in fact, lower than the back. And yes, I did fix the sweater’s wonkiness after seeing this photo, but back to the neck – I’d originally just done the front and back the same, but after trying it on I decided that the neck was a bit too high in the front, too chokey. So I ripped out the ribbing and a few rows, and did short rows to shape the neck. Much better.
I love getting things in the mail:
Two pounds of blue faced leicester from Copper Moose on eBay. I’m still waiting on some soy silk, though – and I ordered it over two weeks ago!
File under “Extremely Random”: I have a song from Brokeback Mountain, one that is in a commercial, stuck in my head. Makes me want to see the movie again. Guess that means that commercial is doing its job!
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