Ahhh, the day off. Slept in an hour or so, off to the dentist (okay, that wasn’t fun, but it wasn’t horrible, and at least it’s out of the way), then just chilling out.
I did some canning today, four one-litre jars of tomatoes – each jar holds quite a bit, so it was around 7-8 dozen tomatoes. Needed to get them off the counter! There’s still more tomatoes coming in, so I’m hoping to get another four jars at least (I have more pint jars to fill, too, but I could always do jam or something…). So far, I’ve done fifteen 500 ml jars and eight 1L jars altogether.
I also finished up the last little bit of seraphim and bound off.
The colour’s way off in the photos, it’s more of a smokey black with some copper and grey bits. The knitting was way fun, even though the rows were so long at the end! More on that following a good dunk and stretch.
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