leaving on a jet plane

leaving on a jet plane

I’m off for a few days for Indianapolis for work – my first time flying alone. It’s going to be interesting. At least it’s a short flight (I’m not so much into the flying), just 95 minutes. Long enough to watch an episode of Buffy (season 5) on my laptop and do a little knitting.

I have excellent plane knitting – super yummy Manos silk blend in a nice olive.

manos silk blend

Ribbing doesn’t look like much, but it’s 218 stitches! I’m really rather excited about this design idea. I hope it works out. To combat pilling and wear I went straight to 3.5 mm needles, which produces just over 6 stitches per inch. It’s so nice to knit with!

yummy ribbing

I’ll be back in a few days. Hopefully regular posting will resume soon!



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12 responses to “leaving on a jet plane”

  1. ysolda Avatar

    Have fun, I love that colour :) And I just booked my flights to Canada – so hopefully I’ll see you in a few weeks (the first week of May). I’ve got a 7 hour flight by myself if that makes you feel any better about your little one!

  2. Modelwidow Avatar

    Enjoy your trip, look forward to seeing what that beautiful yarn turns into.

  3. Christine Avatar

    Delurking! I’m from Indy (now living in FL). If you have a chance, stop by Stitches & Scones in Westfield and Mass Ave. Knits near downtown (on Virginia Ave.). And – try the garden pizza from Bazbeaux. Have fun!

  4. Carrie Avatar

    wow – that yarn looks amazing! Have fun on your trip!

  5. Tonia Avatar

    Make sure you stop into Stitches and Scones in Westfield. I work there on
    Thursday evenings 2-8. Molli is the owner please introduce yourself I will tell her to watch for you!!

  6. Conni Avatar

    Have a great flight! The Indy airport is very nice. I’m from Bloomington, Indiana and just flew out of there a few weeks ago with my knitting in hand. I had not flown commercially for a verrrry long time and enjoyed the flight immensely! You will, too, I’ll bet.

  7. Zhenya Avatar

    The yarn’s gorgeous. I’m most excited to hear that you’re a Buffy fan, too! I just finished re-watching the entire series. LOVE it! Travel safely.

  8. Kara Avatar

    I’m just de-lurking to agree that you should stop in at Stitches and Scones in Westfield. It’s a bit of a drive from Indy but it’s worth it.

    Also, if you are looking for any great places to eat Yats is wonderful. There’s one downtown on Massachusetts Avenue, plus there’s one on the north and south sides of the city.

  9. Deb B. Avatar

    Hey Laura, what’s going on in Indy? *wink*


  10. Michaela Avatar

    Have fun on your trip! Flying by yourself can be boring, but knitting helps a ton. Buffy does too! That’s one of my fave TV shows of all time. Angel was also really good. Spike is so funny!

  11. Sarah Avatar

    I too am knitting with this yarn and it is delicious! I’m making the Koolhaus hat from the Holiday Interweave, but I’m sure your original design is going to be much more impressive :) Have fun on your trip!

  12. мepтвeц Avatar

    Любопытно написано. Почти за душу цепляет, ну и заставляет поразмышлять над собственным блогом.

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