Where does the time go at night? I always intend to go to bed at a reasonable hour, but it pretty much never happens! Anyway, I’m just dropping by with some photos of current projects…
These are actually just off the needles but not quite ready for a photoshoot – another pair of tall (taller than the last ones!) socks in Dream in Colour Smooshy. Mmmm!
And a new sweater – one of several that have sprung up on the needles! This one’s going to be a top-down, circular yoked sweatercoat in cascade220 heathers, held double. I’ve got lots more than this now – bulky knits are so fast! I’m aiming to have this done in time to be worn in that in-between time where it’s cool enough for a jacket, but not too hot yet.
I’ve managed about 12″ of body from the underarm, and I only started this one last Thursday night! I might just make it.
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