midnight blogging

Where does the time go at night? I always intend to go to bed at a reasonable hour, but it pretty much never happens! Anyway, I’m just dropping by with some photos of current projects…

blue thigh-highs in progress

These are actually just off the needles but not quite ready for a photoshoot – another pair of tall (taller than the last ones!) socks in Dream in Colour Smooshy. Mmmm!

top-down sweater in progress

And a new sweater – one of several that have sprung up on the needles! This one’s going to be a top-down, circular yoked sweatercoat in cascade220 heathers, held double. I’ve got lots more than this now – bulky knits are so fast! I’m aiming to have this done in time to be worn in that in-between time where it’s cool enough for a jacket, but not too hot yet.

I’ve managed about 12″ of body from the underarm, and I only started this one last Thursday night! I might just make it.



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5 responses to “midnight blogging”

  1. Elise Avatar

    I love Smooshy! It makes the best socks.

    I love the yarn you’re using for that sweater, too. :)

  2. little_lj Avatar

    Those socks look lovely! I love the seam detail along the back(?) of the leg.. Pattern???

  3. Andi Avatar

    Oooohh you said the magic words! Top-down, circular yoke and coat. Is this an original pattern? I can’t wait to see it.

  4. Stacey_CrimsonPurl Avatar

    Lovin’ the sweater…are you doing it from a pattern or from the head as a “fit to self raglan”?

  5. Leah Avatar

    I want to put those socks on Right Now. I too am blessed with substantial calves, and I second the request for the pattern! Please?

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