milkweed and adobe?

I hear some people are having trouble opening the Milkweed Shawl pattern with Adobe – what kind of errors are going on? I actually used Adobe suite to create the PDF, and I use Acrobat to open it without any problems.

And if anyone has any ideas on why there might be a problem, let me know that too!

Another omission was found in the written instructions in row 94 – a missing yo, CDD, yo at the beginning and end of the row. The latest version of the pattern is available on Ravelry and is called “MilkweedShawlJune26_2_.pdf”. So sorry for any confusion!



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5 responses to “milkweed and adobe?”

  1. ysolda Avatar

    You might want to check what versions of acrobat you made it compatible with – I occasionally have problems because people are using a really old version.

  2. Chantal Boucher Avatar

    No problem to open it… Thank you for the advise right at the good time since I just bought the yarn yersterday for that shawl.

  3. Mary S Avatar
    Mary S

    I had no problem opening the pattern. Thanks for sending the correction. I just started the shawl in Cherry Tree Hill yarn, and I’m really enjoying making it!

  4. TheBon Avatar

    Seconding Ysolda. Especially since you’re using CS4, your compatibility settings might be set to much newer than some people are using. Because people get lazy about updates (myself included, sometimes).

  5. Kim Avatar

    Another vote for checking the compatibility settings. I’ve recently had to update to the latest version of Acrobat in order to read/fill out a job application. I had a terrible time getting it to work even then. Turns out there were a couple of extra steps to get it to work properly…had to check the Adobe help forums…

    If you find that your customers are having trouble opening the files, maybe add a note about needing the most up to date version of Acrobat Reader and having a button on your blog to lead them to a download site. Covers your butt!

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