On the positive side, there are only 28 rounds left in the second sleeve! Rounds knit on this sleeve up to this point: 145.
Now. The not-so-good things.
1) Over the course of the less than TWO WEEKS I have been working on this sweater, I have experienced a dramatic gauge shift. As evidence, the sleeves above – the bottom on is bigger. And it looks a gazillion times better in terms of the even-ness of the colourwork.
2) A problem I didn’t notice until I was taking these photos tonight. This isn’t a great photo (because it wasn’t what I was taking a photo of) but here:
In the plain stripe sections at the bottom and top of the photo, there are two rounds of white, then a round of…pewter? or charcoal?
The charcoal (darker) is correct. The pewter…I don’t know what I was thinking. There are three incorrect stripes like that on the first sleeve, one of which is two rounds down from where I stopped – the armhole, basically. That one’s going to need to be ripped back (at least it’s only 3 rounds) and fixed properly. The others, well, I figure I’ll just leave ’em. There’s so much else going on with the sweater anyway, only I’ll notice at a glance.
Oy. I’ll be in the yoke by tomorrow night, mark my words.
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