more and bigger

I’m extremely busy this week but I thought I’d pop by with some more photos of my giant granny square!

honkin' granny square

This is all five balls of yarn that I had, and it’s about 42 inches square.

granny square!

I still need to find something to crochet a row of border, and to do that whole fabric-backing thing. I love it though! Just in case anyone missed it, I used the Purl Bee granny square tutorial.

Knitting? Yeppers, although just now I’m feeling a little stuck in terms of actually getting started on projects. I’ve got lots of ideas, I just need the time to sit down and work them out so I can get knitting!

an attempt

This is some Koigu that I really love – but this attempt got ripped. Working on something shawl-y.

Spinning down the stash is going…okay. I’ve been working on some merino/silk – it’s probably Ashland Bay, and I got it at Rhinebeck last year.

pretty purple

I’m almost done the second half, so then I can ply and be done with it! But I’m spinning it a touch finer, so of course it’s taking longer. Next bit I pull out of the fibre stash is getting the fast and furious treatment!



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14 responses to “more and bigger”

  1. Clestial Avatar

    I spy a Lendrum. I’ve recently purchased one and LOVE it! How do you like yours?

  2. Leslie Avatar

    Such pretty projects! I love that Koigu, and the yarn you’re spinning as well.

  3. Kristin Avatar

    I love the giant granny square! Makes me think I should try crochet again…

  4. Ellen B. Avatar

    Granny squares are the building blocks to fashion. I love your big blankie! The colors are beautiful.

  5. Wendolene Avatar

    What a cool blanket! The yarn makes it quite sophisticated.

  6. Seanna Lea Avatar

    The giant granny square looks like a lot of fun!

  7. Suzanne (Yarnhog) Avatar

    I just got the Noro I ordered for a giant square of my own and clicked over for the tutorial link. Thanks for the finished shots of yours–it’s gorgeous! I have 10 100 gram skeins of Iro, so I think mine will be a bit bigger when it’s done. Yours is such a wonderful inspiration!

  8. Debbie Avatar

    Oh, this is awesome! I’ve been trying to make my first Granny Square for the past week-and-a-half, and I finally got it!!! My goal? This blanket and the Babette! I can’t wait to get started!

  9. abby Avatar

    excellent blanket!

  10. Julianna Avatar

    That blanket has such a beautiful colour palette – I love it!

  11. Thea Avatar

    Love the granny square. It’s a wonderful color combination, similar colors to your spun yarn too.

  12. Walden Avatar

    The granny square is looking great!

  13. gleek Avatar

    wow! i can’t wait to see that granny square all complete! it’s a lot bigger than i thought it was!

  14. […] been nearly 4 months since I completed the last one), that inspiration came thanks to the amazing CosmicPluto Knits, who is well on her way with a Giant Granny Square afghan, inspired by the equally exquisite Purl Bee’s traditional Granny […]

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