I started these ones in India but didn’t get very far – I think I was on the top of the increases when I got home. These started out with the intention of being knee socks, but once I hit the ribbing I just kept going! I thought they would end up thigh-high, but they’re more like just over the knee with the ribbing a bit scrunched.

In the front they’re just plain:

But in the back there’s a wee cable (mirrored between the two socks) right up from the bottom up the heel to the start of the ribbing.

Tough to photograph since the yarn is so dark! I used 2 skeins of Dream in Color Smooshy in Midnight Derby – a fantastic colour. My knee socks pattern (for the stripey ones) is nearly complete, so I’m going to add in notes on how to turn them into over-the-knee socks into that pattern.
Somehow I’ve been plugging away at several big projects so now I have one almost complete (just needs blocking and buttons) sweatercoat and one almost complete cardigan as well! Oh, I did take a photo of the cardigan last week, so here it is.
I still need to figure a collar and buttonband treatment, but I’m getting there!
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