So I headed down to the basement to work out – I’ve been doing Jillian Michaels’ 30-Day Shred DVD. As far as the workout goes, it’s great! I’ve done nearly all of levels 1 and 2. You’re supposed to do 10 days of each level (there are three levels). I’m definitely feeling stronger, and there’s a bit of a visual difference as well, although I haven’t really lost any weight or anything. Today was going to be day 10 of level 2!
I picked up my shoes to put them on…and felt something sharp. I thought it was just something sharp in my shoe (I still had to put my orthotics in them) but then the pain increased! I dropped my shoes and saw…a wasp.
I got stung in the finger, an important knitting finger (left pinky; I knit continental) by a wasp hiding in my shoe in my own house.
And now I can’t work out (need hands for pushups and holding weights!) or knit.
This sucks. It also hurts!
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