NaKniSweMo – done!

I finished my lace sweater!


It isn’t blocked yet, and it needs buttons. But it’s off the needles, and I’ve even woven in the ends.


I’m really pleased with it. And it only took 4 skeins of Dream in Color!


Just in time for the taste of winter we had this afternoon – it’s all gone now.




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13 responses to “NaKniSweMo – done!”

  1. Cassy Avatar

    That yarn practically glows! Congrats on finishing a beautiful piece.

  2. Bonnie Avatar

    GORGEOUS! Good work!

  3. JoAnn Avatar

    I love the lace in this sweater! What is the name of it, and is the pattern available? The DIC yarn is a great choice.

  4. Maryse Avatar

    Real nice! Love the stitches and the colors is unusually beautiful!

  5. Alicia Avatar

    It’s so beautiful! What a rich color.

  6. patty Avatar

    Is this a sweater of your own design, and if so will it be published? If not whois the designer, it is lovely.

  7. Erin Kate Avatar

    Wow, it’s beautiful! You’ll wear that forever. :)

  8. Elizabeth Avatar

    Can’t believe you did all that with just 4 skeins. I checked out the Dream in Color when I was in Lettuce Knit last week, and now I’m kicking myself that I didn’t purchase it. Good thing I have another trip to Toronto coming up. Now I want to see what buttons you choose.

  9. Kate Avatar

    Beautiful sweater, and beautiful snow! Sorry to hear it didn’t last (the snow, that is. I’m sure the sweater will serve you well for a long time :-))

  10. KarenV Avatar

    This is a lovely sweater! I would also love to hear more details about it.

  11. rubbishknitter Avatar

    stunningly beautiful cardie, well done! hope you are going to publish a pattern… :)

  12. Allison Avatar

    What a pretty cardigan! I look forward to seeing how the lace blocks out.
    Thank you so much for the picture of snow–I miss looking out my window & seeing a scene like that…

  13. Knittripps Avatar

    It is gorgeous. I love the color. What kind of buttons are you thinking?

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