neat and orderly

I really busted it out this week on my sweater with bows!

The upper body went really fast with lots of decreases.

raglan decreases

Seaming raglans is really easy and satisfying.

raglan seam

Even the button band didn’t take too long.

off the needles!

Just needs some buttons and a good blocking. The temperature’s dropped quite a bit today, so I’m rather eager to have this one ready to wear!



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8 responses to “neat and orderly”

  1. Michelle Moses Avatar

    That looks really cute! I really enjoy how the color seems to go from light blue to heather grey in your pictures- which one is truest to the ACTUAL color?

  2. Monique Avatar

    It looks really nice thus far. Look forward to seeing you wearing it.

  3. Brandi Avatar

    That is really beautiful. I’m amazed at your productivity.

  4. Christina Avatar

    You know, I wasn’t convinced by the bow thing until today, when you showed that construction. I REALLY hope that’s going to be a pattern eventually, because I need that sweater now :-)

  5. Jen Avatar

    It’s like a magic trick. Now you see me frogging, now you see a finished sweater.

  6. Maryse Avatar

    It’s beautiful! Here too in Mtl the weather went down a few degrees since yesterday, brrrrr…. Yeah to warm sweaters!

  7. Knittripps Avatar

    The little bows are so cute!

  8. Allison Avatar

    Impressed (yet again) at how fast you can finish a sweater. I look forward to seeing it modeled!

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