not by name, alas

There was an article in today’s Globe and Mail about the Knitting Olympics, and megan told them about me:

“One Lettuce Knit regular has tackled a multipatterned, multicoloured Limerick sweater that would typically take an experienced knitter about a month to complete. Ms. Ingman said she is not sure the woman will cross the finish line by tomorrow. “It’s a complicated piece, a real challenge. She’s ambitious.””

Since this was only as of last Tuesday, it certainly was iffy as to whether I would finish. But I’ll do you one day better, megan!

Although it looked like a mess, there actually weren’t very many ends…

After a quick bath…

Plus, the sweater expanded in the wash as I hoped it would – it’s now 35″ (I’m 36″) which is much bigger than it was going in!

Ah, sweet, sweet VICTORY!

Modelled photos to come tomorrow, hopefully to be taken at the Closing Ceremonies party! See you all there!







37 responses to “not by name, alas”

  1. Karma Avatar

    And the crowd goes wild!!! We knew you could do it!

  2. Vig Avatar

    Another victory for the canadian women! =)

  3. JennyRaye Avatar

    If there were a medal of higher rank than gold, you would definitely deserve it!!! Beautiful Work, Well Done!

  4. jacqueline Avatar

    i am in awe! that is gorgeous…

  5. allison Avatar

    Congratulations! You did such a beautiful job :)

  6. Anne Avatar

    *Gorgeous* sweater!! Congratulations gold medal winner.

  7. jillian Avatar

    Darn girl – that’s speedy knitting! In knitty terminology, you’re definitely piquant!!

  8. Chris Avatar

    Wow!!! Way to go. I am in awe. :)

  9. maggie Avatar

    that is amazing!
    can’t wait to see it tomorrow :D

  10. Maritza Avatar

    Congratulations! Your sweater looks gorgeous! Great job.

  11. adele Avatar

    truly amazing. what a victory!

  12. Anna Avatar

    Wow! Amazing! Fantastic! Superb! Words cannot begin to describe the awe!

  13. b Avatar

    Truly Gold!

  14. holly Avatar

    wow! So impressive. 6 points (out of 6, is that how skating is scored? pretend it is for now, please) for difficulty, 6 for speed and 6 for sheer wonderfulness.

  15. Julia Avatar

    Wow!! It looks *great*! Can’t wait to see an ‘on’ picture!!

  16. Dani Avatar

    Wow Laura, it looks amazing. I can’t wait to see it tomorrow!

  17. Cara Avatar

    Delurking to say, Wow, that looks gorgeous. Congratulations on finishing.

  18. naomi Avatar

    Congratulations–it looks wonderful!

  19. grumperina Avatar

    You’re done – fantasic! Congratulations!

  20. jody Avatar

    beautiful! this has got to be one of the more impressive olympic knits. i can’t wait to see the modeled pics!

  21. suzanne Avatar

    You are amazing! Nothing but gold for you!

  22. Bear Knits Avatar

    What a spectacular sweater! Congratulations!!!

  23. lynette Avatar

    i think you get the gold! you deserve it. congratulations!

  24. melanie Avatar

    I am floored! It looks so well done. Congratulations!

  25. Stephanie Avatar

    I think you did a beautiful job, I am jealous….So fast!

  26. RachelH Avatar

    Absolutely gorgeous! Excellent job!

  27. Miss Twiss Avatar

    You made the Globe. You’re famous!

  28. Elizabeth Avatar

    Congratulations! It’s simply gorgeous.
    I saw it first over at Team Canada. I was going to post mine and then noticed that I was never officially put on the team :(

  29. Lissa Avatar

    We knew it was you, even without them mentioning your name!

  30. Jessica Avatar

    Congratulations on a stunning victory.

  31. Emma Avatar

    Dog,you’re good ! And quite rightly famous. That is fantastic ! Well done.

  32. Ashleigh Avatar

    Yippee! I love reading your site it inspires me to really get knittin’

  33. Amy Avatar

    Rock on Girl!!!!! Beautiful job. My olympic project exploded a week in, so I pretty much gave up on the idea of finishing on time. :(

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to see it modeled!

  34. Carrie Avatar

    Wonderful job! The sweater is absolutely gorgeous and I also love the ultramerino socks from the previous post.

    Congratulations on earning your gold medal!

  35. Gabriela Avatar

    Gorgeous! Congratulations!

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