There was an article in today’s Globe and Mail about the Knitting Olympics, and megan told them about me:
“One Lettuce Knit regular has tackled a multipatterned, multicoloured Limerick sweater that would typically take an experienced knitter about a month to complete. Ms. Ingman said she is not sure the woman will cross the finish line by tomorrow. “It’s a complicated piece, a real challenge. She’s ambitious.””
Since this was only as of last Tuesday, it certainly was iffy as to whether I would finish. But I’ll do you one day better, megan!
Although it looked like a mess, there actually weren’t very many ends…
After a quick bath…
Plus, the sweater expanded in the wash as I hoped it would – it’s now 35″ (I’m 36″) which is much bigger than it was going in!
Ah, sweet, sweet VICTORY!
Modelled photos to come tomorrow, hopefully to be taken at the Closing Ceremonies party! See you all there!
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