So back in September, after I moved, a girl I knew from high school posted that her musical group was looking for another member. I thought hey! that sounds fun! and emailed her back. Of course, being just after I’d moved, it turned out that the rehearsals are back near my parents’ house. D’oh.
It’s a handbell group – yep, like church handbells. We do rehearse in a church (although I’m not a member) once a week, and we’ve got a gig coming up! I’m a little thin on the details, but all I know is that it’s nerd-themed, and we’ll be playing Star Wars (the Imperial March and the opening theme), and the themes to the original Legend of Zelda and Super Mario!
Not exactly what you think of when you think handbell choir, eh? I love that.
Rather than the usual white gloves, we’re a little more into black gloves. I didn’t have any around (I use other gloves for rehearsal), so –
Too bad black gloves are rather boring to photograph. I’m using St. Denis, which is lovely, and I’d better work on these a little more or they won’t be done in time!
Oh, and a sneak peek for my next new pattern, which will be released later this week – the dipped infinity scarf.
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