of buttons and things

I went to Fabricland today in search of buttons for Ubernatural. Their buttons aren’t too great, but it’s pretty close to my house and I get 50% off buttons. I searched, silently lamenting the fact that the buttons I liked were too small.

I don’t know what I was thinking, but the buttons I bought are way huge.

I suppose the buttonholes grew and grew until in my mind, no button could conquer them!

That’s a quarter next to the button. At any rate, I think the buttons will, in fact, work. I’ll make them work, dammit.

In other news, I’ve started the edging on the wavy skirt:

I love doing that edging! Love, love.

Know what else I love?


However, I don’t like paying $20 in duty and taxes to get said cotton-ease (just the ones in the bags; also, there’s a lot more of those top two colours, I just didn’t want to put in them in the picture).

Oh oh oh, one more picture, a rather random one:

Addi Turbos (fresh out of hot water to soften the cords for the Magic Loop class I’m teaching tomorrow) hanging out with my guitar. Cool.



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4 responses to “of buttons and things”

  1. brenda Avatar

    I got nailed with a customs charge too when my Cotton Ease arrived. What ticks me off is that they have the chance to check off “gift” on the customs sheet. Grrr.

    And good lord, woman, are you a speed knitter or what?! :)

  2. Kate Avatar

    I love your version of Ubernatural, especially how you added some length to the sleeves. I think the big buttons will be really cute, too!

  3. ~Jo~ Avatar

    Ah shoot! I SO wished I could’ve stayed in town more to take the magicloop class, I did however get some super long addi’s while in TO. Bummer I missed on taking your class though, I’m sure it would have helped me out. :)

  4. Johanna Avatar

    the buttons are pefect.

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