olympic check-in day 1; or, what have I gotten myself into

The progress as of this morning.

Not much, hm? Well, what you don’t see is the two complete rounds I had to tink due to a screwup with the colours – that’s over FIVE HUNDRED STITCHES I had to undo! In the dim light of a bar amidst lots of drunken knitters! Come to think of it, maybe that’s why I had to undo…

Anyway, I managed to get back on track and even make some forward progress. Slow, yes, but I’m getting into it – I’m even managing to throw with my right hand without having to take my hand off the needle, sometimes.

I did schoolwork most of today so I couldn’t knit (I was typing), but I did cast on for a sleeve…speaking of which, how big are Rowan models’ wrists? I know I have tiny little girl wrists, but still…

I’m even doing a way smaller gauge, dude. Oh well, I’m cool with a bit cuff. Just wonderin’ is all. I did manage some tv (aka knitting) time this evening so I’m done the first motif and onto the second. The rest of the chart looks quite a bit faster than that first motif – at least, that’s what I’m telling myself. Plus I’m always double-checking my colours now to ward off any negative progress.

Something I finished Thursday: new yarn! Neapolitan ice cream yarn!

180 yards of navajo-plied merino goodness. And I’ve got tons more of this yarn on the way, so i might even be able to make something sweatery out of it. Once this whole Olympic thing is done, of course.

Evidence that I really should only be working on Limerick – when I dumped out my knitting bag today (which contained Limerick and the second Ultramerino sock on the needles) this is what I found:

Eek! Not one but TWO of my casein needles broke. And I don’t have any other 3mm dpns. I’ll have to buy some next week, but clearly, it was a sign.

ETA: about the sleeves. The problem may have been exaggerated in the photo – I just looked at it again and it’s really not that bad.

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8 responses to “olympic check-in day 1; or, what have I gotten myself into”

  1. Chris Avatar

    Good to hear that the problem may have been exaggerated, ‘cos there was room for two to three more arms in there with yours!

  2. naomi Avatar

    That’s an impressive looking cuff!

    Poor casein needles…

  3. jacqueline Avatar

    i was looking at that cuff thinking…how is it that she thinks it is ok. glad to hear that it was a little bit exaggerated!

    good luck with the project -i’ll be cheering from the sidelines.

  4. Jill Avatar

    I can’t deal with casein needles because I always think the taste funny! It turns out that I also screwed up my sock a bit on Friday night due to the dim lighting.

  5. Michelle Avatar

    Cuffs are tricky like that. They always seem wrong to me when I’m starting too. Great work though, I can’t believe you were able to focus enough to tink in the bar friday! I had to tink a bit too but it was much earlier in the night when we were still a (relatively) sober bunch.

  6. Kristin Avatar

    That yarn is beautiful. I think I need to try some Navajo plying myself, I guess I need to go fibre shopping.

  7. Theresa Avatar

    The broken needles are clearly sabotage. Have you complained to the IOC?

  8. Dianna Avatar

    I think I read sosmewhere that Rowan actually used to cater to and design for a civilization of giants living on an island of a coast of Denmark…..
    It’s where the jolly green guy came from.

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