So, let’s see the state of things –
Lego man has a head and torso!
The torso wasn’t actually done in this photo (see how the bottom edge is curling up) but it is now, sockets and all. And I’ve knitted up the first piece of the legs.
Elf shoes are done and felted, but too big. Blame my lack of firsthand knowledge of baby sizes. I miiiiight make another pair, smaller, but we’ll see.
One gentleman’s sock is done, but I’m not sure when the second one will be. It’s not super pressing.
And then there’s the French Press slippers. Sigh. I decided to axe one pair from my list, so there was just these 2 pairs. Done the knitting and all that. Then came the felting…and felting…and felting.
Four cycles later (top loading machine, no agitator, with towels) the red pair is felted enough, but too small. The blue pair is felted enough (although the seam areas have kind of a crease) and might fit another person, but not the recipient. They’re both too shallow on the sides and don’t look like the other finished photos at all!
I’m disappointed and discouraged with felting (I haven’t had much luck with it in general). And now I have to figure out other presents. Maybe there’s still time to do some clogs instead, those have turned out well in the past!
P.S. Pavlov’s Dogs (my handbell group) is playing the Rivoli Christmas Show tonight and tomorrow! More info here if you’re in Toronto. I know Rotate This still has tickets!
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