
Wow. First time I’ve read something written about me that makes me want to cry.

Not in the good way.






81 responses to “ouch.”

  1. m.k. Avatar

    I still get surprised by the things people will say, as if they think the person they are writing about will never read it (or maybe they hope for it, which is worse to me…). I hope it’s just a blip in the larger scheme for you!

  2. Jennie Avatar

    Gosh that bites. People can be really mean. *HUG*

  3. Carrie Avatar

    Oh yuck, that sucks. I really take that stuff personally sometimes – it’s so hard to let it roll off your back. hugs to you!

  4. Cynthia Avatar

    I have no clue what this refers to, but I really enjoy your blog. Hugs to you.

  5. Rodger Avatar

    I love your work. The thought and attention to detail shines through in every finished project, and your skill as a knitter as well as a designer is undeniable.

    You write well, and I enjoy your blog a great deal for its clarity and insight into your creative process.

    Thank you for being here and for sharing with all of us.

  6. moiraeknittoo Avatar

    People can be horribly cruel when they feel they can hide behind the “anonymity” of the intarwebs. Making the person into nothing but pixels reflected on a computer screen makes it very, very easy to give in to baser instincts and let loose the petty hounds of bitchiness. I am quite thankful that you share as much about yourself and your life as you do, and think that all those who go out on that blogging and design limb are quite courageous.

    Head up! You’ve done a wonderful thing by sharing your creativity and your spirit with us, and there are many who appreciate it. And you.

  7. emmms Avatar

    I’m sorry, honey, that’s horrible. It’s weird how people sometimes forget the people (and their works) they’re criticising are in fact people, too.
    I hope it won’t put you off. Your own sweet self has inspired a lot of people; much more than you realise.

  8. aija Avatar

    That bums me out– yours is a collection of writing and photos that I really enjoy and look forward to. Sorry about the unkindness of others.

  9. Mei Avatar

    Say “PFFT” to them. Besides, there is criticising and then there is being constructive. On the side, sometimes I think people have forgotten this old adage “If you have nothing good to say, don’t say it”. =.=


  10. Fiona Avatar

    Hugs to you. Some people can be so cruel.

    Just had to comment to thank you. After ages of trying to learn to knit socks I ordered your book and I AM NOW A SOCK KNITTER!!! Yes, I did mean to shout, I am so excited. Toe-up, just finished the heel so I think I can justify the title. Thank you. You have written a wonderful book.

  11. circé Avatar

    love your blog and your work!

  12. sandra Avatar

    de-lurking for once… just wanted to let you know how much i love your work and your designs. don’t let these cruel words get you down!

  13. Sandy K. Avatar
    Sandy K.

    A big hug to you– you’re fantastic.

  14. Carol Avatar

    Unless it’s constructive criticism, it comes from a mean person with no moral compass. Don’t let the worst of our society affect your beautiful work.

  15. Melissa Avatar

    I’m sorry, that’s an awful feeling. I also want to add to the chorus here that I love your work!

  16. Jeanne Avatar

    De-lurking to comment that I really enjoy your blog and your work.

  17. Debbie Avatar

    What is wrong with people? Isn’t the world hard enough these days, without going out of your way to hurt another human being? I hate that. Come on, people.

  18. Tam Avatar

    You’re a wonderful designer, knitter and person. I’m just finishing up Lucy In the Sky, and love the way you write patterns — simple and elegant.

  19. Jennifer Avatar

    People who say things like that are often jealous. You’ve got something great and they can’t stand it. *Hugs*

  20. Courtney Avatar

    Yeah, don’t know what was said about you or who said it, but I just love your blog and your knitting.

  21. sarah in sudbury Avatar

    I’ve always been a big fan of your blog and your work. Your photos are inspiring, and your patterns are gorgeous. (your little food excerpts are favorites too) Maybe you should do a cook book too!

  22. k. Avatar

    People can be thoughtless and cruel. Don’t let them get you down! They don’t have that much power over you.

    hugs to you!

  23. Jocelyn Avatar

    I had that experience recently and was absolutely traumatized. All I can say is that if you know that whatever happened was either a) not your fault, b) misinterpreted, c) exaggerated to serve the other person’s needs/weak ego or d) altogether untrue, then it’s *their* problem. I also internalize other people’s cr@p,and it’s not healthy. (Assuming this was something about one of your patterns, I remember when Eunny Jang’s entrelac sock pattern was published in IK. People were vocally ragging on the pattern of the lists that I’m on (not realizing that Eunny was also on the list). After people called it “hideous” (or something equivalent), she posted a cute note saying “Come on – they’re not that bad.” Who knows what she was feeling on the inside.) Anyway, don’t let it get you down!

  24. Sharon Avatar

    *HUGS* to you. I think you kick all sorts of arse, chica.

  25. Stephanie Avatar

    I think you rock — I love reading your blog and seeing your work, hearing about your garden, traveling vicariously through you… I hope all of the nice things people are going to say in response will take away the sting a bit.

  26. Carmen Avatar

    First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. You have worked very hard and accomplished a great deal. Sometimes, people are jealous or nasty, knowing they can inflict pain with their pen. Please, please do not give that person that power. Stay positive, we are behind you!!!! Hugs!

  27. Marie-Michèle Avatar

    awwwwwwwwwww… I hate to hear that you feel this way. Keep in mind that we keep visiting and reading your blog because we like your ideas, style and opinions… In “Québécois”, we have a common expression (not really a proverb, but still useful!) I’d like to pass on about naysayers: let them cough up their own spit… hmmm, not very graceful once translated,huh? If you can’t say nice things, the words will stay stuck in your throat and that sucks kinda thing… I know we can’t ask for everyone to agree with us, but we can ask everyone to play nice and be polite. Hugs to you! Keep up your inspiring work! :)

  28. VA Avatar

    I too don’t know what this is referring to but in reading through the comments there is this to note, that if for all of us every one negative comment then generated 27 full on support comments that’s a ratio I’d like to invest in.

    I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you work up. Thank you for sharing.

    As someone once said, “You can please most of the people some of the time, some people most of the time but you can’t please all the people all of the time.”

    And as my Dad is fond of saying, “Never attribute to malice what can adequately be described by stupidity.”

    Sorry somebody got you down.

  29. Alex Avatar

    I’m sorry someone wrote something to make you feel that way. I’ve only recently started reading your blog, but the reason I started reading it is because your projects are so lovely! Plus, you write well, which doesn’t come easily for everyone. Whatever this person wrote about you or your work, chalk it up to their own lack of good judgement/ taste/ brain/ combination thereof, and spare them some pity for their unfortunate shortcomings before moving on to contempt for their words.
    Stay strong! :)

  30. Alexandra Avatar

    People are morons, honey. You’re awesome.

  31. kelly Avatar

    Ignore it. You’re one of my favorites.

  32. hesira Avatar

    I don’t know what was said about you, but I completely enjoy every aspect of your blog. You’re nice, funny and talented. Maybe some people don’t like that about a person, but I do!

  33. leslie Avatar

    delurking to say don’t listen to them. you are awesome, talented, and a lovely person. for every negative person there are many many more who think you are great. now i’m off to buy a pattern!

  34. Jana Avatar

    I enjoy your blog, keep up the good work!

  35. polly Avatar

    Your work is great; ignore those a#$%holes!

  36. Stacy Avatar

    Oh, I’m sorry! People are crap sometimes. You’re fantastic!

  37. Alice from france Avatar

    Ohh! Don’t know what that person could said but after all nice comment you had here don’t pay attention to the only bad one.
    You are a great person and you knit fabulous patterns!

    Much affection from France

  38. susi Avatar

    You ARE fantastic! I’m really proud of all the great things you’ve been doing. don’t know what happened, but know that you make way more people smile every day, including myself. <3

  39. Sunnyknitter Avatar

    I don’t know what happened either, don’t need to know, but I wanted to delurk and say I love reading your blog and have admired your patterns many times. Consider yourself hugged and sent some warm sunshine from California!

  40. Grace Avatar

    I don’t know what was said either (but now I’m curious!) but your blog is one of my favorites because I enjoy your photos and your wearable, not-too-overthought designs. /Delurking

  41. Caitlin Avatar

    I love your blog and your patterns, and think how many people will be able to learn to knit socks from your book who might not have gotten it otherwise. Try to remember all the people who gain knowledge and inspiration from your work. Isn’t it better to help them and occasionally get burned than to never put it out there at all?

  42. Aziza Avatar

    De-lurking to say that I love your blog, and your projects whether food or fiber! Your projects are truly inspirational and whenever I’m not feeling the knitting bug, I stop by here and it hits full force :) I know it’s hard not to let hurtful things get to you, but I hope reading all these comments will remind you how awesome you are.

  43. sil Avatar

    Well unfortunately people so suck, but only some. Sorry you came across one that sucked. You’re a fab girl! I’ll buy you an apple cider donut at Rhinebeck. :)

  44. Mel Avatar

    I don’t know what happend. But, I’m so sorry someone hurt you. Personally I love your blog and your work. My favorite posts were when you took a trip during the summer.

  45. Beatriz Avatar

    I’m delurking to comment today…I have no idea what was said about you or by whom. I certainly hope you will rebound and keep in mind that if it didn’t come from someone who knows you personally, then it’s not a good judgment call on their part. Heck I don’t even know you and I think you are a wonderful knitter, designer, blogger, and you have excellent taste in shoes! For you to share out of the kindness of your knitting heart patterns for FREE speaks volumes of the kind of person you are. Generous. I certainly hope all the words of encouragement that you receive will show you how much you are appreciated.

  46. Kelly Avatar

    Laura, honey, don’t let ’em get to you. The majority of us have an entirely different opinion.

  47. Hannahbelle Avatar

    Your work is wonderful and I’ve no idea why anyone would say something against you or what you’ve made! You should be proud and they should be ashamed!

  48. Emily Avatar

    Sorry to hear about whatever has happened to you. I have been reading your blog for almost 2 years and look forward to your updates. Not only are your photos beautiful but there is a nice personality that comes through in your writing.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  49. Clumsy Knitter Avatar

    I can’t imagine anything negative that anyone would have to say about you or your work. I love your blog, the B-Side is my favorite FO EVER, and I am actually planning on learning how to knit socks thanks to your book–and I am a long-avowed no-socks knitter! Keep up the wonderful work and think about all the people who think you’re great instead!

  50. Iris Avatar

    People tend to look at just what’s on the monitor and forget that there is a human element–the person behind the computer who puts in the time to write, design, cook, photograph; you know, actually DO those things…

    You have a “treasury” of readers who love and support every detail of your work.

  51. Melanie Avatar

    wave to your haters dearie…jealousy is an amazing thing. ;)

  52. Lee Ann Avatar

    F- ’em. Your work just keeps getting better, and you’re also a sweetheart in person…there will always be people to dis you once you’re in the public eye, but the rest of us think you’re pretty wonderful.

  53. Kate Avatar

    Every now and then, on blogs I visit, I read something so hateful that it takes my breath away. I’m so sorry that someone hurt you. I get a great deal of enjoyment out of your blog and work, and think you’re very generous to share so much with us.

  54. Preita Avatar

    I have no idea what this refers to, but screw them. Seriously. I think your knitting, writing & photographs are wonderful. They obviously are a bitter, unhappy, jerk.

    I once had someone leave a comment on my blog that said “Just because you have a canon doesn’t make you a photographer, it makes you a canon owner. get a grip”

    I actually wrote them back saying “Well, I will have to let the galleries that buy and sell and diplay my photography that.

    People are jerks. Don’t let it get you down cause they aren’t worth a second of your awesome time :D

  55. Dani Avatar

    Hang in there Laura – I completely know how you feel :) Think about all you have accomplished and just read through all these wonderful comments over and over.

  56. Bee Avatar

    Sorry to hear that. Mostly it’s because of envy. Just remember while there will always be mean people, there will be more people who love you…as the comments clearly show. :) Laura, you are pretty amazing, so ignore that hurtful comment.

  57. Alan Avatar

    I think it’s human nature to let one negative overwhelm 99 positives. Look at it, convince yourself that they’re wrong, and move on.

  58. Tammy Avatar

    No… don’t cry! Your creativity is so inspiring and I always look forward to your blog posts. Just wanted to let you know that.

  59. jillian Avatar

    Oh man – I’m so sorry! Clearly just one lamebrain in a sea of people who love your blog and your work!

  60. Jennifer MacDonald Avatar

    As everyone else has already said…screw them. You are a fabulous person who is so extremly talented. You have so much to offer other people and we can all learn so much from you. Your patterns are beautiful, your photos are very becoming, you DO have great taste in shoes and although I’ve never met you in person I try and be more like you whenever I can. Too bad for that person. They are jealous or misguided. We all think you’re fabulous so keep up the great work and I look forward to your blog every day!!! Big hugs to you from NB.

  61. Jennifer MacDonald Avatar

    Sorry, I can’t spell tonight. Extremely talented. That’s what you are :)

  62. meenuh Avatar

    Delurking also to say that you’re a fantastic writer and knitter, and that you’re so creative, and poo to anyone who says different.

  63. elaine Avatar

    You are a talented knitter, designer, writer and published author and a lovely person. You are giving so much to all of us and we appreciate every bit! We are here to support and cheer you on every step of the way – just think of a huge crowd of people behind you, cheering you on and giving you a supportive hug when you need it. We are here for you too. Knitters unite:)

  64. Mandy Avatar

    Delurking here too. I love your blog, and I find you so funny, inspiring, talented…
    Some people just can’t find nice things to say ever – it’s their problem, not yours!
    I think you are fantastic!

  65. Knittripps Avatar

    I’m sorry. I don’t know why people have to say mean things. I love your blog and I think you are fabulous! Hugs.

  66. Kris Avatar

    I’ve never left a comment on your site before, but it’s the first blog I ever bookmarked and I still check it regularly. Don’t let mean people get you down.

  67. cici Avatar

    Don’y worry.. You have 66 positive responses to your work, so far here. I am sure there are many more to come.

  68. Claire Avatar

    I’m a bit of a lurker, but I’d just like you to know that I think your designs are wonderful, and that you’re an incredibly talented person.
    It sucks that some people are mean. I wish they didn’t have to be mean to you!
    You have a lovely blog and you seem like a really great person, so don’t let the haters get you down!

  69. Ann-Marie MacKay Avatar

    After receiving my own snarky comment about my creativity today–I feel your pain.
    HOWEVER: You are an amazingly talented woman who inspires me with your creativity, style and Knitting genius.
    You are a Knitter with a capital “K”.
    Chin up!

  70. Brenda Brown Avatar
    Brenda Brown

    As a lurker, just adding my support to your many fans. Keep up the good work. Love your blog

  71. Melissa Rogers Avatar
    Melissa Rogers

    I’m also going to de-lurk, and tell you to not let the meanness that is the interweb get to you. There are plenty of us that enjoy your blog, you work, and YOU! Thanks for sharing everything with us.

  72. Debbie Avatar

    Hi Laura!

    Dropping in to say I’m sorry, people can be sooo rude sometimes usually because they are very unhappy people! Remember the saying, “Sticks and stones may bring my bones but names (or comments) will never hurt me!”

    I love your blog and your designs! I purchased the simple scarf pattern and going to start tomorrow!

    Happy Knitting!

  73. Anna Avatar

    Meh – the internet (and the world in general really) is full of people who will take every opportunity to be anonymously hurtful, just because they think they can get away with it. But that’s their problem – try not to let it get to you! Your blog is made of awesome. And I saw your book in the shops today down here in Australia, and it’s awesome too – I plan on getting it as soon as my week’s pay comes through!

  74. Denise Avatar

    Laugh all the way to the bank!

  75. Brenda Avatar

    I am also a lurker … I enjoy reading about all that you do. You are SO talented! You inspire so many of us! Thank you for that. Please keep smiling!! you have a beautiful one by the way :)

  76. Scott Avatar

    Ignore it. You know how good you are and so does everyone else. Have you seem the new online magazine http://www.twistcollective.com/. That’s worth paying attention to


  77. Vanessa Avatar

    Hey there, I am the butterflyknitter! And I say phoooooeeee ! to those who cannot keep negative comments to themselves. Come on now! We all love ya Laura.
    BTW this butterflyknitter will be at Rhinebeck all day Saturday. I shall look for you! If I tap you on the shoulder I will say – hey ” I am ‘butterflyknitter’.
    Have fun in Rhinebeck

  78. mizkathychin Avatar

    I am late to the party but had to add my voice to the supportive and smart peeps here … don’t know what was said but I agree with the many people here who have already said that negative and cruel things said to others (especially in public/internet) most often reflect a person’s own inner struggles and insecurities and are more about that person trying to prop themselves up by pushing others down. You’re a positive influence and inspiring person and I look forward to seeing your work and reading your words for many many years to come!

  79. Seanna Lea Avatar

    Ouch. I love reading your blog and couldn’t imagine saying anything mean about any of the people whose blogs I read. I mean, if I have a problem with someone, the adult thing to do is to either email them politely with my question, understanding that a blog is not a democracy, or to just stop reading. Anonymity of the Internet is not really a valid excuse for rudeness no matter how many people use it.

  80. liuia Avatar

    I read something on other blog that made me think days ago: what would you do if someone gives you a poisoned apple? Obviously, you wouldn’t take it.
    That’s the same situation: when a person gives you a poisoned comment, just pass away and say “no, thanks”.
    You have tons of readers that love you :), don’t be sad just for one person.
    Hugs from Spain.

  81. Rosem Avatar

    You’re a talented class act. Just let it go. Think of all of us who enjoy reading your blog and knitting up your patterns (and even trying to duplicate your food!). Soak in the admiration and good wishes of those who love you, and as liuia said, say “no thanks” to the minority who don’t.

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