Awesome job, America! I can’t wait to see what happens next – everything is going to change.
Anyway, to celebrate, I’ve got a new wee little pattern! Something to celebrate with – choose some yummy yarn and whip this scarf up!

Just Enough Ruffles Scarf
Just Enough Ruffles FAQ
A fun, quick-knitting scarf with just enough ruffle, perfect for showing off super soft yarns and handspuns! This scarf is shaped with short rows and gently curves towards the ends – perfect for wrapping around your neck with not too much bulk. Keep warm with a nice merino wool, or make it lighter in silk or cotton. Any way you work it, this scarf is just enough!
2 skeins Malabrigo Merino Worsted (215 yd/100g), colour; Pearl
5.5 mm 32-inch or longer circular needles
tapestry needle
16 sts and 24 rows = 10cm/4in square in stockinette stitch
This pattern is suitable for a beginner!
Download by Ravelry and payment by Paypal (registrations for both sites is not necessary).
$3.50 CAD
Note: As of July 5, 2010, sales tax will be added to this price for all Canadian residents only. The rates are: British Columbia 12%; Ontario, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador 13%; Nova Scotia 15%; and everywhere else in Canada 5% GST. Tax will be added in the Paypal payment process.
96 responses to “Just Enough Ruffles”
Wow, is that cute! I went and bought the pattern right away — it will be perfect for holiday gift knitting.
Yes, yesterday was a huge day for the US. So exciting! It was really neat to be here in Chicago and be part of it.
i voted no in ca. swears.
I’m horrified that Prop 8 was approved. I volunteered yesterday, and it looked good based on the response we were getting. It’s crushing.
Today is such a bittersweet day for me. Obviously I’m thrilled Obama won. I teared up this morning at a much older African-American man buying copies of every newspaper available at the 7-11 while telling all of us he never thought he’d live to see this. I’m excited that 4 failed here, and hope it can stay off the ballot for a while now.
…but 8, oh man, I’m crushed. We worked so hard to get the No vote out, and I really thought CA was better than that. I’m just devastated that there’s so much hate in a place I love so much. :(
Great scarf! And you’re right, it’s got *just enough* ruffle; makes it interesting and feminine without going overboard. (Not all of us can do the MEGA-ruffles look without looking like a giant fancy-frosted cupcake. I have learned this through experience.)
What a great little pattern! It will make a great gift…if I can bear to give it away!
Yes, I voted a strong NO and was SO disappointed when watching the results come in last night. Especially since I was also hanging out with two of my best friends, a beautiful, wonderful, loving, generous, awesome lesbian couple who just committed their lives to each other in marriage last week and who now are being told that the state of California doesn’t think they deserved to. So extremely depressing.
That’s a beautiful pattern! I love the way it’s modeled in the last photo. It really is “just enough” ruffles.
beautiful scarf! i’m not from cali, but i would’ve voted no. jerks.
It is a thrilling time to be an American! But a very sad time to be a Californian. I’m SO disappointed that the crazies have found a way to take the glow off my Obama buzz… but I guess I should have guessed it when the numbers in the presedential race were so surprisingly close in CA. You wouldn’t believe what an underhanded campaign they staged for this discriminatory proposition too- just embarassing.
But thanks for the pretty pattern- I have just the right yarn & giftee waiting for that, so I’ll try to let that take off a bit of the sting.
I’ve been watching Prop 8 closely, because it is the type of thing that certain people in Massachusetts would also like to pass and it made me sick to my stomach seeing it passed. I keep hoping that they’ll recount the votes or something just to make sure that they got it correct and find out that they miscounted a whole lot of Nos and Yeses.
In my state we only had to vote for P/VP, Senate and Congress. All Dems. won the traditionally red state. This is a great time. I feel like tears of joy are going to flood once the shock wears off. I love the scarf.
RE: Prop 8. People, please. As a Californian, it is clear that I am going to have to start making good on my threat to start slapping some sense into y’all.
Seriously though, it’s being contested all over the state, and there is a possibility it will go to the US Supreme Court, so fingers crossed!
I was SO sad about Prop 8. ughh. And the renewable energy proposition. People voted yes to ban gay marriage and no on renewable energy?! IT MAKES NO SENSE.
I’m glad Prop 8 is being contested, though. geez.
The scarf is gorgeous, and knowing that it is Malabrigo makes me want to cuddle it.
The yes vote on prop 8 broke my heart. CA is my second home, and, if only I could have voted..
Ooh, I love the scarf… this one is going in my queue!
I am so happy about the election too, and sad about prop. 8.
For the first time in several years, I am optimistic about the future of our country.
I was very happy with our election outcome. It feels like a new day here. Really. The world is buzzing today. I too am disappointed with the results of Prop 8 because I voted no.
I love the scarf. I’m going to have to knit that up for my winter wear.
Ooh~ I have just the yarn for that, and I’ve been needing a new scarf…
Except for the pile of giftmas knitting that needs to be done first, this would be on the needles alredy.
This was a bad election for gay rights, seriously. Ammendments in Florida and Arizona (I think it was Arizona?) got passed, too. Here in Arkansas we made it illegal for cohabiting couples to foster or adopt kids–which is going to punish many more people than the homosexual couples it was intended for. Obama’s win almost feels like the only bright side of the day…
I guess that’s what all the hope’s for, huh?
Love, love, love the scarf! Oh, how I wish I needed one here!
If it’s Prop 8 you’re growling about, you’re not the only one. I’m afraid I may have been less than gracious about some of my less-tolerant neighbors and their nasty, misleading signs on the street corners over the past few weeks. I’m afraid I may even have made some rude hand gestures and maybe yelled an epithet or two out my window. And my mother and I aren’t speaking. Sigh.
That’s such a pretty scarf! I bought the pattern right away. If I want to make it longer, is there a certain multiple of stitches I should add?
I really, really wish I was from California, so I could have voted no on Prop 8. I’m unhappily surprised about that…
I too was elated and cried happy tears during Obama’s speech. My heart sank when I saw the official results of Prop. 8 this morning. It is a sad day to be a Californian. I’m at least glad to know that in the Bay Area where I live, all but one county voted NO.
Hi, I love this pattern and bought it this morning on Ravelry. I got the confirmation from PayPal that my trasnaction was complete but the Ravelry site says it’s still awaiting it’s confirmation from PayPal. Is there a problem? In the past this has been an instant process. Thanks, Jane Pollard
What a perfect little pattern! I might have to add this to my Christmas knitting list.
Love the scarf! I’m another disappointed Californian checking in. Count two more no votes from this house… but at least we got Obama!
Cute scarf! I think it will be a perfect gift for half my list! I am so crestfallen about prop. 8, you’d think that people who believe that the government should stay out of their lives would be above legislating who can (or can’t) marry whom, ya know? As for the renewable energy propositions, they were really poorly written and full of special interests- which would have been good for them, but not necessarily for California.
I can’t wai to start this….I bought it right away….this is going to be a great Christmas gift for a friend or two or three
That’s a mighty cute pattern, thanks!
adorable scarf, thanks! If I could have voted against 8, I would have. I’m shocked, Cali, just shocked! For shame, people.
This is GORGEOUS!!!
HEY! California is still AWESOME! We ARE a blue state ;-) and we already have protesting in the streets so we’re working it on it. Could y’all help us find a way to keep UTAH out of our election process? ’cause that would make it lots easier.
So lovely this scarf!
Love the crochet stuff in your blog and these comments are great! I am sad about the vote in California… but am looking forward to the new Presidential administration.
[…] Pattern: Cosmic Pluto’s Ruffle Scarf […]
[…] I got a bug to make another lengthwise scarf. I started the JERS with this yarn first. It was not so pretty The ruffle was particularly ugly as it consisted of […]
What a lovely scarf! I’ve been looking for something a little frilly to knit as a gift and I think this is just the ticket.
[…] skeins Malabrigo Worsted to make this. 20% […]
I purchased your pattern yesterday. I really love it! It hasn’t been sent to my email yet, so I am anxiously awaiting it!
I just downloaded the pattern, and I’m just not getting it upon the first and second read…you guys keep saying how easy it is, but I feel like I’m missing something here…help. Maybe I’ll look at it later and it will make sense?
[…] Just Enough Ruffles by Laura Chau (Ravelry) Lanka: Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Chunky, 196 g Puikot: 5.5 […]
[…] Cosmicpluto Just Enough Ruffles Pattern ($3.50) […]
[…] seit ein paar Tagen ist dieser kleine Schal fertig, der Enough Ruffles Shawl. Gestrickt habe ich ihn aus zwei naturfarbenen Strängen von Debbie Bliss Pure Silk. Das Garn hat […]
That’s a beautiful pattern! I love it.
[…] Laura Chau tasarımı bu marul atkı, bu aralar oldukça populer.Kolay örülüşü ve estetik görünümü […]
[…] mittens, a long cable running from wrist to fingertip, will be hidden. Then again, I want to make this “Just Enough Ruffles” scarf at some point, so maybe I’ll go ahead with the pink and purple first for fun and to get […]
[…] Dette utrolig kule skjerfet måtte jeg bare strikke. Første versjon fra meg reiser avgårde til marie som bytte mot ei veske, så jeg må i garnhylla og finne nytt garn til versjon to. Og den blir til meg. […]
[…] made Just Enough Ruffles by Laura Chau of cosmicpluto. The yarn is Rowan Kid Classic. I had two skeins of this yarn, and […]
[…] now in the process of binding off the 600 stitches of my second Just Enough Ruffles scarf. Wow, is this ever slow going. For reasons unknown, my right hand keeps cramping up as […]
[…] helga kom sjalet. Nydelig lillafarge, flott snitt og varmt som bare det. Just Enough Ruffles Scarf heter herligheten og er strikket i tykk […]
[…] myself I was only going to KNIT FOR MYSELF this year, but after seeing Janet’s version of this scarf, I had to knit one too. It’s a little too “ruffly” for me, though, so this will […]
knits are very good accessories specially in the winter time because it gives warm. just not crazy about the ruffled ones though. but knit scarf is something i always buy along with gloves.
[…] Jeg har strikket to av dette herlige skjerfet, og har også rukket å bruke det mye! Jeg har jo så mange skjerf i ull, alpakka osv, så dette er strikket i bomull. Jeg har brukt Paris fra Garnstudio, og for meg var det perfekt garn til oppskriften. Jeg brukte vel nøyaktig 4 nøster, på pinne 4,5 (eller var det 5… husker ikke helt). Har bare fått tatt bilde av det ene skjerfet, det andre er i en petrolblå farge :) Mønsteret er fra Cosmicpluto […]
That is beautiful. My Mom would love a scarf like that it will go on my list for sure :)
[…] I’d like a copy of Interweave Knits Spring 2009. I’m also after the following patterns: Just Enough Ruffles, Bliss and the Garter Yoke Cardigan. If all else fails, my wishlist is here. None of that suit you? […]
I am good knitting but my english is not so good
and I don´t understand how you beguin this Just Enough Ruffles.and how long you work
I just finished my SECOND Just Enough Ruffles. Love love love this pattern.
[…] 18, 2009 by funessa I knit up another Just Enough Ruffles scarf a couple weeks ago just in time for Mother’s Day (phew!). I freaking love this […]
Is it possible to get a german translation of the instruction? Yesterday I bought it via Internet, but I have a problem to understand all correctly.
[…] Laura Chau tasarımı bu marul atkı, bu aralar oldukça populer.Kolay örülüşü ve estetik görünümü […]
[…] et skjerf til Beate (manusforfatter og instruktør) som Madeleine ga i gave igår. Jeg strikket et “Just enough ruffles”-skjerf til henne i lilla Paris. Så laget jeg en slags “label” som jeg sydde på, av en liten […]
[…] Puisque j’avais en stock exactement 3 écheveaux de Cascade de ce superbe vert grisé, j’ai débuté une écharpe en PDF$ chez CosmicPluto. […]
Due to bandwidth problems, I cannot download this great pattern. Please, would you send to me and I can still pay via PayPal?
Many thanks for your consideration.
thistlecovefarms at gmail dot com
[…] Laura Chau tasarımı bu marul atkı, bu aralar oldukça populer.Kolay örülüşü ve estetik görünümü […]
I just purchased the just enough ruffles pattern through pay pal and did not get the pattern download. Any way you can send it to me?
Très très joli modèle que je vois fleurir sur de nombreux blogs mais je ne parle pas anglais alors je ne sais pas comment comment faire !! Est-ce qu’il existe une traduction s’il vous plait ? Merci.
This scarf is so wonderful … but I just don’t understand all the explanations. Is there any possibility to get a french explanation for this pattern ?
[…] fant et nydelig sjal på Bentes sin blogg, hentet fra Cosmicpluto, det heter Ruffles. Oppskriften er til salgs via Ravelry, søk bare på ruffles scarf. På […]
..]another nice source on this subjectis ,,..]
[…] and I did not regret. It is beautiful and soft to wear, and I think my MIL will get one of my two Just Enough Ruffles […]
[…] sjalet laget jeg etter Just Enough Ruffles oppskriften (som jeg har brukt flere ganger). Her har jeg brukt denim tweed som jeg hadde liggende […]
Hi! I knit your lovely scarf, and someone asked me if I’d knit them one. Would you mind if I did so? She’s paying me a little bit for my time ($35), but I rather consider it more of a gift since that amount barely covers yarn cost, ha ha! I did want to check with you first, though, to make sure that’s alright with you. Thanks, and I love your patterns!
[…] Just Enough Ruffles, by Laura […]
i did it
2 more in the works
thanks for all your help
[…] Just Enough Ruffles Scarf– Again, thanks to my neighbor knitting this with me, I was easily able to learn a couple new skills. Didn’t finish in time to give to my sis for xmas, but finished it up New Year’s week and working on matching gloves (see below) so I can give it to her this month (before our cold weather is done here!) […]
[…] This pattern from Laura Chau of Cosmicpluto uses a short row shaping technique I’ve never tried. Well here goes nothing…. I think my next row has a short row turn in it! I really love Laura’s patterns, this is my second. I see many more in my future. […]
I am a tiny confused. I’ve casted on and knit six rows. The next instructions say do 2 rows in stockinette stitch. Isn’t that the same as knitting 7 rows, purling one row? I must be misunderstanding something??? I tend to question things too much….
[…] men da det hurtigt bliver for kedeligt med de samme mønstermasker frem og tilbage, har jeg fundet et andet projekt frem. Nemt og enkelt. Ganske vist også lidt kedeligt, men resultatet gider jeg godt kunne skabe i […]
[…] in the wild! My Just Enough Ruffles scarf, and Toast mitts are winter staples, even here in California. I wear them at my desk as often […]
[…] Pattern: Just Enough Ruffles by Laura Chau […]
comment on fait pour tricoter vos modéles quand on ne parle pas anglais,serait-il possible de le traduire.THANKS.
[…] Just Enough Ruffles April 4, 2010: Taking a brief hiatus from the Doublish Shawlette after a massive dropped stitch incident. Until I see my friend Tracy on Tuesday – she heals all my knitting ills – I have to find something else to do. So, I’m going to get to work on Laura Chau’s Just Enough Ruffles scarf. […]
I am very desapointed by this pattern, you explain how to wrap the stiches, but you don’t say anything about picking them up …so my scarf looks awful !! I have to do it again after asking help to friends and it rolls on it-self so much that I can see only the wrong side of it and not the rigt side …I spent a lot of work and yarn for this awfull scarf !!!
[…] to fix it. I picked up some personal knitting, and while working on a version of Laura Chau’s Just Enough Ruffles Scarf, the solution presented itself to me – short rows! So I pulled out the front flap and […]
[…] option was the Just Enough Ruffles Scarf by cosmicplutoknits (the pattern writer for the Milkweed Shawl!). Again, I’m not sure about […]
[…] Laura Chau tasarımı bu marul atkı, bu aralar oldukça populer.Kolay örülüşü ve estetik görünümü […]
Love it! I just finished my first one, but I’m sure I’ll make more. Blogged it here:
[…] Weald Fibre Factory and is so deliciously soft it could only be a scarf, so it’s going to be Just Enough Ruffles from the lovely Laura […]
[…] ai acheté de la pure alpaca de Cascade Yarns dans les tons rose tendre, pour tricoter le ‘Just Enough Ruffles Scarf’ de Laura Chau que j’avais vu chez LuckySlug (à qui je dois une fière chandelle pour m’avoir aidée […]
[…] Just enough Ruffles […]
[…] I was sunk. (Can you think of a more-apt colorway name?) At the moment, I am thinking that a Just Enough Ruffles might do it […]
Salut à tous,
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[…] organized by the Guild. 2. I bought the pattern — Laura Chau of CosmicPluto Knits’ “Just Enough Ruffles” — at a Guild meeting. 3. I was inspired to make this scarf last week after seeing my […]
[…] useful neckwear this past week includes the Just Enough Ruffles (get the pattern here), my yellow Anne scarf, and my Spring Festival […]
[…] started Just Enough Ruffles, a sweet little shawlette, scarfy thing that has been in my queue for a long time. […]
[…] Knitting, Part Two (I know you’ve been wringing your hands in anticipation). The pattern is Just Enough Ruffles by Laura Chau, which both giftees requested specifically … it was The “It” Scarf this year, […]
[…] here is the Just Enough Ruffles […]
[…] added accessories recently that include a pair of above-the-elbow Fetching mitts (FO #5 in 2009), a scarf (FO #25 in 2008) and a pair of lace-trimmed black bloomers (purchased at last year’s faire). […]