pink and brown

I’m obsessed with pink and brown.

OSW (obviously not one skein) has a sleeve! Looking at the picture, I realized it’s been awhile since i knit a sleeve. Heh.

I’ve started yet another new project, Elspeth from Rowan 37. You can see Jennifer’s version here. MMMM, calmer.

I’m hoping this will be a quick knit. We’ll see!







3 responses to “pink and brown”

  1. kellyt Avatar

    I’m a pink and brown fan, too! I think it’s in vogue right now so you’re right on the mark! What size are you making your OSW in? I made mine in the second smallest size and it is TEENY TINY. I’m thinking of frogging it and doing a long sleeved version, too. Can’t wait to see yours!

  2. jane Avatar

    OSW looks great. I just started one with sleeves. How many stitches did you decrease down to at the cuff? And at how many rows did you do your decreases? ie. every 6?

  3. Julie Avatar

    Hello Laura!

    A thought just entered my head–when are you going to start your rebecca apricot jacke? I pulled the pieces for mine out a couple of days ago to finally finish it and can’t for the life of me get back into it. I left off 3/4s of the way through the 2nd front, and can not make out the crazy instructions anymore. It’d be fun (and reassuring) if you got started with yours too. E-me.

    Your Elsbeth is looking really good (OSH too–like it in long sleeves and the Shine).

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