
Worsted weight socks are so so fast and satisfying. Just 1.5 days of knitting later (and no, I wasn’t knitting the whole time) I’ve got one whole sock done. Squishy, cabley goodness.

one down

(Log Cabin Socks from Handknit Holidays)







9 responses to “progress!”

  1. Lauren Avatar

    Soooo pretty. Whatever that yarn is, it’s gorgeous.

  2. Paula Avatar

    I like this sock very much. Is this your pattern?

  3. Lavababy Avatar

    Oooh that sock is gorgeous, well done!

  4. V Avatar

    Gorgeous! I need to pull your book out again, pull the one sock I knitted apart and start again. This time, decent sizing and no holes in the heel. I’m determined.

  5. Maya Avatar

    I’ve had my eye on that pattern for a while, just gorgeous!

  6. Britta Avatar

    Wow, they’re totally cute! Love the pattern.. :-)

  7. Woolyknitsnbits Avatar

    Those are seriously beautiful socks. Love the cables. Great job.

  8. Maryse Avatar

    Nice! Instant gratification!

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