
If you’d like to order the Belle Shrug pattern (hard copy), email lettuce knit – the pattern is $7 CDN and we take credit cards over the phone or Paypal (once you’ve confirmed the shipping to your location).

Today I’m making cake, knitting lara and finished up a paper due tomorrow (which is actually already done now!).






3 responses to “P.S.”

  1. Thalia Avatar

    Ah…that would be me. :)

  2. Debbie Avatar


    LOVE, love the Belle shrug! I like how you designed it to be knit cuff to cuff w/o seaming :-) I just ordered it from Lettuce Knit. Looking forward to knitting with the Blue Sky alpaca silk maybe in color 129 amethyst.

    Looking forward to receiving the pattern. ..THANKS!! Oh, I found your blog via knitty.com! Someday want to knit Thermal!

    Yum-o…what’s not better than cake and knitting :-)

    Happy Knitting!

  3. Kirstin Avatar

    I’m so glad that you posted that P.S. I’m the silly American who called the store and ordered the pattern without asking the price. I was on a knitting high at the time, I guess!

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