random monday

Feb 1 - coconut cream pie

I made a delicious coconut cream pie a couple weekends ago – it was a big hit! I used a can of coconut milk in place of the whole milk in the filling. It kind of turned a bit grey when I was cooking it, but whatever. It was soooo good.

February 5 - plying

Finished plying up a pound of merino/seacell blend that I’d been working on for AGES! It’s a 2-ply and maybe about 1800 yards. I have no idea what I’m going to do with it, but it is quite soft and pretty. Maybe I’ll have it dyed.

February 11 - take two

Working on a new sample of an older pattern that I completely wrote up but never released. This one is in Zen Yarn Garden superwash worsted, in Moon Purple. I haven’t had a purple sweater in ages so it’s going to be great!

February 10 - digging out

Digging out this weekend. We didn’t get as much as in the US, but still the biggest snowstorm in a few winters – we got 30cm (12″). It was a good excuse to hunker down with slow cooker stew, Boardwalk Empire, and a new jigsaw puzzle.

February 4

My next sweater pattern release! I can’t wait to share it with you.



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8 responses to “random monday”

  1. Chris Avatar

    Those cables look so enticing! Can’t wait to see it!

  2. Rubicon Avatar

    The cables look intriguing – looking forward to the pattern :)

    Greetings from Germany (cold but hardly any snow),

  3. knittinpearl Avatar

    Very pretty! I will be checking daily until you post it!

  4. penelope 10 Avatar
    penelope 10

    The purple looks intriguing!!

  5. Sarah Avatar

    Wow, those cables are stunning! Love your handspun too, so much patience! ;)

  6. lilirious Avatar

    wow! those cables sure pop! I’m very curious now ;)

  7. Carie Avatar

    Gosh those cables are beautiful – can’t wait to see the rest of it!

  8. Diane Avatar

    Just took a class on cables and chart reading last week….making fingerless mitts with a cabled cuff….so much fun! The sweater looks daunting but beautiful! Look forward to seeing the finished purple project….love that color!

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