Really I was a bit fed up with all the wee little bits of handspun lying around, and needed some garter stitch therapy, so on it went! A few hours later (and a few episodes of HBO’s Rome)….
I’ve used up a number of the smaller bits that I had, but still have rather a large bag of balls of handspun to choose from, and I’m sure more will pop up somewhere. But for now, the blankie is kind of on hold, in favour of this:
A fabulous sweatercoat, being knit out of Dream in Color yarn (which lettuce knit will have at the Frolic this Saturday!) – now I’m in a bit of a race with myself to see I could possibly finish this for Saturday. I’m done the back, the left front, and a sleeve, and am a few inches into the second sleeve. Still another honking front and the collar to knit, but then again it’s only Tuesday.
I’ve blocked the left front and the sleeve, not really having enough space to block the back at the moment. I need to mark buttonhole placement too, so I can knit the right front with the holes in the right places!
And….trying to study for an exam tomorrow too (history of medicine, modern period). The easy sleeve knitting is good for studying, though – I close my eyes and try to recite things, and can knit it with my eyes closed.
It’s beautiful again today. If I can finish this soon, I can wear it as a spring coat!
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