rhinebeck 2011

I’m back! It’s been a pretty sleepy re-entry into my usual apartment and such – I had a great time away on my vacation, but unfortunately I suffered from an acute case of camnesia and have very few photos to show for it.

We (boyfriend and I) flew down to NYC on Friday, and took the train out to Rhinebeck with Ysolda. The house we rented this year with friends was amazing! So huge, with a great kitchen, awesome view and comfy couches. Saturday morning was a bit of a rush as we had to get the Ravelry buttons to the meetup and were a bit stuck in traffic. It all worked out though, and I had a lovely day checking out all the barns and navigating through the crowds. I picked up a bowl from jennie the potter, and a fun sheepy mug.

sheep mug

And I saw kits for my Sweet Bunting Cardi! Super cute.

sweet bunting

Sunday morning we decided to go to the farmer’s market – this is the sixth time I’ve been to Rhinebeck and I’d pretty much never been able to explore the town! The farmer’s market is held in a parking lot, and is quite small but really cool.

rhinebeck farmer's market

rhinebeck farmer's market

Managed to actually get a good coffee in town (as opposed to the fairgrounds coffee) and had a nice walk to town. The day was pretty long, and a bit warmer than Saturday – definitely calmer as well, in terms of the crowds. Sunday night was spent relaxing, eating, and doing a swap with my housemates! I actually didn’t buy any yarn at Rhinebeck this year, but I did come home with some from Wild Apple Hill Farms, thanks to Sarah!

wild apple hill farm yarn

Monday we took the train back to NYC, and spent the rest of the week walking, seeing the sights, and eating ever so many delicious foods. It was the type of vacation where you need a rest afterwards!



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8 responses to “rhinebeck 2011”

  1. Elizabeth Avatar

    You went to Rhinebeck and didn’t buy any yarn! I’m curious about how you went about finding a house there. I’d love to do that. Finding any accommodation in or near Rhinebeck is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

  2. Carie Avatar

    Wow those apples look delicious! And how cute is the blue and gold version of Sweet Bunting. It sounds like a wonderful trip.

  3. Brandi Avatar

    I have the camnesia issue sometimes too. I’ll be too busy looking or chatting to take pics.:)

  4. Norma Avatar

    Did you finish your sweater in time?

  5. Allison Avatar

    The apples at the farmer’s market look delicious! You must have been so pleased to see the kit for your little sweater :)

  6. Mary Avatar

    The mug is so cool. Rhinebeck sound so fun and inspring. I hope to be able to attend one year.

  7. Knit-2-Together Avatar

    I love the yarn you picked up! Sounds like you guys had a blast!

  8. sarah b. Avatar

    It was so great to get to hang out a bit at Rhinebeck again! :)

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