ripping, ripping, ripping

It’s been a rather unproductive long weekend. I started a crochet sunhat out of a single skein of Euroflax linen, only to have to rip it out about five times because it sucked!

crocheting with linen

The beginning went okay.

crappy hat

Too big.

crappy hat

Too ruffley.


Too small!

I think I might fiiiinally have hit on the right combo. Needs a wash, then we’ll see. My knitting hasn’t really been behaving either – I had an idea that I tried to sketch and swatch out, but I don’t think I can actually do it except for at full size (and the swatches didn’t look very good either). And I’ve been working on a cabled pullover with lovely O-Wool Legacy DK, but I’ve had to rip out the back a bunch of times too!

finally on track

I think I’m finally back on track. Of course, with this heatwave (40C/100F with humidex!) I might just make a few more batches of ice cream instead of knitting.



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3 responses to “ripping, ripping, ripping”

  1. Alicia Avatar

    Bummer about all the ripping. The pullover looks great so far, though!

  2. brandi Avatar

    Ripping to get it right is part of my game. I suppose it happens to better knitters than I. I hope it’s right this time.

  3. norma Avatar

    Ripping…I feel your pain…it’s all I’ve done lately :-(

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