It’s been a rather unproductive long weekend. I started a crochet sunhat out of a single skein of Euroflax linen, only to have to rip it out about five times because it sucked!
The beginning went okay.
Too big.
Too ruffley.
Too small!
I think I might fiiiinally have hit on the right combo. Needs a wash, then we’ll see. My knitting hasn’t really been behaving either – I had an idea that I tried to sketch and swatch out, but I don’t think I can actually do it except for at full size (and the swatches didn’t look very good either). And I’ve been working on a cabled pullover with lovely O-Wool Legacy DK, but I’ve had to rip out the back a bunch of times too!
I think I’m finally back on track. Of course, with this heatwave (40C/100F with humidex!) I might just make a few more batches of ice cream instead of knitting.
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