September Garden

I haven’t done a garden update in ages! Things are starting to wind down, but the beans (green, purple and scarlet runner) that we planted in July are coming in really well. Something’s eating the scarlet runner leaves, but otherwise it looks like they’re doing great! I love the tiny beans.


garden september 4

The tomatoes did moderately well this year. We did get a few big ones, which was really satisfying, and quite a few cherry tomatoes. More are coming, too.

garden september 4

garden september 4

Varieties: ivory pear (they’re more light yellow), riesenstraube, the big ones are Cherokee Purple. The ones on the little plate on the right are still ripening in the window, the ones on the left are ready to eat! The riesenstraubes have a cute little point on the bottom.


The eggplants grew surprisingly well considering the cool summer. We’ve gotten 1 white one and 3 small purple ones so far, with a few more still growing.

garden september 4

The chard I planted in with the peppers is still growing, I love the way it looks. I think I might try to grow some indoors this winter.


The peppers just don’t stop! I’ve pickled some, and there’ll definitely be enough for another pint.

garden september 4

Overall it hasn’t been a particularly awesome nor terrible growing season, though I’m sure all the plants would have liked some more heat. There’s more to learn about gardening every year. I have to keep reminding myself that I can’t really expect yields like someone with a big in-ground garden gets!






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