This triangles quilt is…not going very quickly. I seem to have lost a bit of my quilting mojo! My favourite part is handquilting, so maybe I need to start doing whole-cloth quilts or something. Just can’t seem to get going on the piecing. I’ve been making pairs, but maybe I need to start sewing the pairs together into larger sections to see how it’s going.
My skirt has kind of stalled out too, with one side seam done. I did French seams using this tutorial, it was a bit confusing at first but definitely worth it!
I’m feeling a bit aimless at the moment, flitting from project to project without deadlines or anything. It’s fun for awhile, but I really need to set some short-term goals so I have something to work towards. I just finished that snowflake-sleeved cardigan and it’s in the wash, so that’s one thing I can check off! Today I will sew the other side seam of the skirt. It’s a start.
While I’m working away back here, how about a cheery PATTERN SALE? 20% off single, self-published patterns totalling $5 or more, through December 25, 2013. Check it out on Ravelry!
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