sick of it yet?

I feel like I’ve been posting so much about this one project (well, it *has* been the only project I worked on for the last two weeks) that it must be getting boring! Anyway, it has come to an end, and here’s the final modelled shot and notes.

Pattern: by Lousia Harding, Rowan 28
Yarn: Louet Gems Pearl. 3 skeins each of pewter and cream, 2 skeins each of navy and charcoal. I’ve got enough leftovers to make matching socks…not that I would.
Needles: Garnstudio bamboo circs (swoon, best bamboo circs ever), 2.5 mm
Finished: February 25, 2006

I changed the gauge to make the sweater smaller (and boy it’s smaller). Consequently I had to knit more pattern repeats to get the right length. I knit slightly more ribbing at the bottom of the body and cuffs. I adapted it to be knit in the round as a seamless raglan. I completely disgarded the increase instructions for the sleeve and just did it my own way. Same goes for the entire yoke, pretty much…I’ve made enough raglans to know how the whole thing kind of works! For the neck, I did short rows to raise the back neck. There are a few mistakes, but I love it anyway.

My first really intensive, allover patterned colourwork project, and I did it in only 15 days! And it’s not like I was a hermit those days, I still had school to go to and a test and paper last week. This week I was off school, but I still spent whole days not knitting until an hour or two before bed. So what could I accomplish if I could knit all day long?

I loooooove how the inside feels. It’s so smooth and flat now, after blocking.

I had a lot of fun at the Closing Ceremonies party at the Old York – fabulous magic mushroom sandwich/burger! No photos from me, but erin’s got lots of fun ones.

I had knit knit knit last night and today at the shindig on my black vneck, but then…on the subway home I discovered that the front and back sections had different numbers of stitches. D’oh. So I ripped back to where I could still fix it (the vneck join). Back on track now, and 4.5 mm needles feel like tree trunks!






48 responses to “sick of it yet?”

  1. Carey Avatar

    Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!! And I, for one, am not sick of all the posts about it – it’s been amazing watching the progress over the past weeks!

    … just beautiful…

  2. --Deb Avatar

    It looks fabulous!! Good for you!

  3. Karma Avatar

    I’m so impressed that you knit this sweater in just two weeks, PLUS it fits you perfectly, PLUS the colorwork is done expertly. You’re magic! :) Well done. Gold medal for sure.

  4. Carolyn Avatar

    OMG it is so gorgeous. I am all of a sudden into fairisle…I wish I had the knowledge you have to just adjust a fairisle pattern! The colours you picked are gorgeous. It looks fabulous on you! Another gold medal for Canada!

  5. caitlyn Avatar

    Wow…it’s gorgeous!!!! Congratulations!

  6. Elspeth Avatar

    That is so gorgeous! I can’t believe you made it, much less in 15 days!

  7. jillian Avatar

    Congrats – it’s so lovely and it fits perfect! And in 15 days…unbelievable :)

  8. Amanda Avatar

    Normally I just lurk here, appreciating your knitting prowess, but this sweater is so breathtaking I had to comment.

    AMAZING job…it’s been so neat watching your progress on this! Fair isle terrifies me, though I’m an experienced knitter, but I feel like I might have to try after seeing your phenomenal success with it.

    Congratulations on a job VERY well done!

  9. Alexa Avatar

    Your sweater is amazing and fits so well! It amazes me when people churn out such huge projects in such small amounts of time. Go you.

  10. anona Avatar

    I loooove it. Can we see how you managed the short rows? And the bust increases, how did you handle the fair isle pattern over those? It fits so well!

  11. Sumin Avatar

    Hi! I’ve been reading your blog regularily since the beginning of the Winter Olympics. Your latest accomplishment has been so breathtaking that I have to say a whole lot, I am seriously, seriously, seriously impressed by your skills. Your sweater is so amazing! You inspire me to knit more, and better. :)

    I really enjoy your blog! You rock my socks off! ^^

  12. Gale Avatar

    Congratulations Laura! The sweater looks fabulous on you.

  13. gray la gran Avatar

    you are amazing! i love how you changed the design to suite your taste. you’re a REAL knitter. can i ask, what is your 2 color knitting technique? a strand in each hand or both colors in one hand? i want to do some fair isle, eventually, but i have a suspicion i will have to adjust how i carry my yarn now to find a good way to carry 2 later. very nice sweater! are we the same size? have any sweaters you don’t want anymore? i also want to try a top down raglan … i printed your instructions for the top down raglan awhile back, the one knitted with lots of misc. skeins. oh, and if you have enough for matching socks … and don’t want matching socks, … i wear a size 8.5 ;)

  14. anna Avatar

    incredible work – you should be very proud!

  15. Cara Avatar

    Wow! That sweater is totally inspiring. It looks absolutely amazing on you, too; I love the slim fit. And the color combo, just gorgeous.

  16. Chris Avatar

    Lovely indeed! It’s sort of scary to think about how much you’d get done if you knitted all day. :)

  17. Simone Avatar

    Truly an epic work! It looks amazing. Congratulations!

  18. Kim Avatar

    Hell no, we’re not sick of it! Especially when the outcome is so great. The inside looks as good as the outside. Congratulations, that is a beautiful sweater. And done in so little time, too!

  19. maggieBB Avatar

    the sweater looks AWESOME! seeing it the blog, I think I still held a bit of disbelief – no-way-someone-did-that-in-16-days! But seeing it at the closing ceremonies, there’s no denying the sweater exists! You rock :)

  20. Punkie Avatar

    that is gorgeous! and i am not sick of it either! wear with pride, i would love to be able to say i made that if i were you.

  21. Delia Avatar

    I’ve been admiring this since you started. The finished project looks great!!!!

  22. Megann Avatar

    I am so absolutely amazed that you completed this. It is stunning, and it looks great on you. You should be so proud!

  23. Allison Avatar

    That sweater is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!

  24. yahaira Avatar

    gorgeous! I wanted to see a modeled pic, it looks perfect.

  25. Lori Avatar

    Really, really lovely!

  26. melissa Avatar

    Please tell me the secrets of your amazing finishing techniques!!!

  27. Kim Avatar

    oh my god, congratulations. you’re amazing. that sweater is amazing. i pretty much had a failure to . . . well, not to launch, but certainly prior to re-entry. anyway, your work is fabulous and inspriational.

  28. Wanda Avatar

    I love it. Such a great job Laura. I’m not sick of it yet at all. I really love the sweater and am amazed that you pulled it off. My bf thought the sweater looked great and was in awe when I told him how quickly you finished it too! Way to go!

  29. grumperina Avatar

    I love, love, LOVE the photo of the sweater from the inside! And the outside? Absolutely beautiful. You are such a prolific and wonderful knitter – congratulations!

  30. melissa Avatar

    great job, it fits you very well! definately quite a feat when still having to deal with your everyday life too.

  31. Lynn Avatar

    Beautiful, both right and wrong sides!

  32. Jaime Avatar

    Limerick is beautiful! It’s amazing how quickly you knit this sweater up. Congratulations!

  33. heather Avatar

    So pretty! Wow, that is a very ambitious sweater, you did a great job! The inside is neat and tidy too. I’m so envious of your fairisle skills.

    Congratulations on finishing it!

  34. Julia Avatar

    I Love the neckline! Your sweater is so beautiful…big congratulations and I hope you get lots of wear out of it…besides staring at it and being proud of yourself.

  35. sophie Avatar

    Felicitations! Your sweater is awesome, I love the pattern and color and you look great in it!

  36. toni Avatar

    You did an incredible job!

  37. hb Avatar

    I am finally delurking – after months and months of reading – because you deserve praise praise praise. This sweater is phenomenal!

  38. Claudia Avatar

    This is by far the most gorgeous olympic knitting project! It’s also one the most gorgeous sweaters I’ve seen in a while – and boy, were you brave with all those colours! Congratulations!! :-)

  39. Joan Avatar

    I really admire you! :)

  40. Whit Avatar

    You amaze me. I hope you entered a post at Yarn Harlot’s blog so you will be in the drawing. You certainly earned a prize of some sort!!!!!

  41. Yuvee Avatar

    OMG! That’s absolutely amazing!

  42. Silvia Avatar

    Super pretty sweater, made all the sweeter by doing it in the allotted time! Congrats.

  43. blakdove Avatar

    Wow. It looks AMAZING. It’s incredible that you finished in time!

    (I found you from the LJ knitting community, btw.)

  44. Elisa Avatar

    Congratulations! Very very beautiful!!!!

  45. […] it broad, isn’t it? I’d like to knit the aforementioned stockings, as well as the beautiful Limerick sweater over on Cosmicpluto and the Misty Morning Shawl Grumperina knit for the Oly […]

  46. kelly Avatar

    wow!! I don’t knit, lets get that out in the open, but I am just amazed/delighted that there are people such as yourself hand crafting such wonderful works of art. Beautiful sweater. Fantastic.

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