slave to the needles and books

Also, the crockpot:

I’m busy dyeing up bunches of silk hankies for lettuce knit, which will be in next week!

And I ain’t slackin’ on the Christmas knitting – it’s down to the wire around here!

The clogs are felted and drying – they still need leather on the bottoms, which I’m going to make out of a vest I salvaged at the vintage store for $3.

A wine bottle cozy for my aunt. It’s done now, complete with berries; I mostly followed the pattern on Knitty but adapted it for the round. I used TLC cotton plus for the main body, and scraps of cotton fleece and lamb’s pride for the leaves and berries.

Robot #1 is complete (with two arms). Man that seaming sucked. I’m going to just whipstitch the entire second one – it’ll go with the look.

What else… I’ve started seaming Pasha, but she won’t be due until Christmas Day; and I knit some cute little sweaters:

I want to make them for everyone! Alas, no time. Oh well.

In all this, I’ve managed to knit a bit for myself, even – I finished the second sleeve of bpt, and am done the waist decreases on the body.

Oy. Back to studying.






7 responses to “slave to the needles and books”

  1. Dani Avatar

    That robot is soooo cute! And everything else looks great too laura

  2. naomi Avatar

    Lovely fibery pictures! Good luck with studying…

  3. maryse Avatar

    your robot is very cute. where did you find the pattern for the felted clogs if you don’t mind me asking? and i’m working on a bpt as well.

    good luck on the studying. i don’t envy you there.

  4. Samantha Avatar

    Your knits look great! I love the wine bottle cozy … I’ve made a few of them.

    My Mom has that EXACT same crockpot. It’s friggin’ old, man. *lol* She still uses hers to cook food with though. :)

  5. Bonnie Avatar

    I loved the robot so much, I got up and did the robot!!!!

  6. Chris Avatar

    THe wine bottle cozy and mini sweaters turned out great! So cute. I’m impressed by the robot – it definitely exceeds my knitting fiddliness quotient, alas.

  7. Yarn Abuse Avatar

    Ok, seriously, how do you get so much done?! :P

    Everything looks great, but I like the wine cozy best of all. Because…I like wine ^^

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