sleepy wednesday

First of all, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I’ve gotten loads of fabulous responses to my survey. I’m going to keep it up for a little while more, so if you haven’t answered it, scroll and down help me out! Yes, I’ll post some of my results when it’s all done ; )

I actually have REAL knitting progress to show. I finally blocked the black v-neck sweater. Unfortunately…the photos didn’t come out so well. Night time, and my nice new camera is away on vacation.

It’s black. It’s a top down v neck. It’s cozy. And not as large/frumpy as I thought it was going to be, which is a good thing!

black v-neck pulli
Pattern: my own
Yarn: Louet Gems Topaz (worsted weight), 2 cones and a bit
Needles: Denise US 7
Finished: hmm…a few days ago.

Unlike a lot of sweaters where the first wash/block results in a more drapey, looser fabric, this one actually tightened up a bit – not sure if it’s because I spun it in the washer, or what, but it’s great. Feels more substantial. Love the yarn, it’s the same one I used for my Olympic sweater, only worsted weight. And since I used the 1/2 pound cones, very few ends!

Cable/rib pieces are all done.

I had a bit of a panic attack when I soaked the sleeves – they grew, and grew, and GREW. Ridiculously long. So I threw the pieces in the dryer for about 15 minutes – the yarn is superwash, so I suspect that’s why it went funny. We’ll see what happens when I block the back and fronts. I expect the fronts won’t grow quite as much because of the cables, but I could be wrong. Just some sewing and a collar, and some sort of fasteners, and we’re done! Of course, that’s all some time and energy consuming work that I might not be up to for awhile.

FBS continues. I’m done 8 repeats of the main pattern (calls for 7, but I’m using smaller yarn) and I think I’ll do…one or two more repeats before going onto the edging. I’m getting a bit bored of it, actually. Should be done tomorrow at SnB, maybe.

Finally, since some projects are coming off the needles, I need a fresh one! I’ve actually already started this: the dreamcatcher medallion cardigan from loop-d-loop.

I’m using elann Highland Silk in “oxblood”, and it’s working up really, really nicely. Soft and smooth, with that dryness from the silk. It’s really a rich colour as well. Love it!

I think I’m going to need to started some more projects soon…I need some inspiration.



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10 responses to “sleepy wednesday”

  1. Lauren Avatar

    I saw that cardigan at Rhinebeck, and then I saw Teva Durham, but she said she hadn’t seen the cardigan. I sent over some Canadian friends here who hopefully took the survey.

  2. Wanda Avatar

    I almost took the survey, but it didn’t really seem geared to American English speakers, so I did not. Great job on the V-neck pullover. Any plans on publishing the pattern. Your V-necks are always so nice. I really like it. The medallion cardigan looks very interesting. The oxblood color will look great in the cardi.

  3. Audrey Avatar

    Are you going to publish this pattern? I have tons of cheap black yarn that i am looking for something to do with (I may just donate it!).

  4. maggieBB Avatar

    the pullover looks fantastic :D a very nice simple & cozy sweater :)

  5. allison Avatar

    Love that v-neck! Looks like you’ll get a lot of wear out of it! I am super excited that you are doing the dreamcatcher medallion cardigan from loop-d-loop. I’ve been eyeing that pattern for months! Let us know if you run into any problems with the pattern!

  6. Chris Avatar

    Wow, you have so much fun stuff going right now! Love how your black sweater turned out – it looks great.

  7. Cindy Avatar

    I am so in sympathy iwth your stretched out arms, I recently had that problem with a whole sweater! It grew from 18 and half inches across to 23!! It was unsalvageable. I was so disappointed. I also was using a superwash wool.

  8. Olga Avatar

    What needle size are you using for the dreamcatcher cardigan? I love that pattern and the highland silk is a sub I hadn’t considered- fab!

  9. KnitPasatis Avatar

    Very nice job on the sweater!

  10. Amanda Avatar

    I just passed your survey on to a true Canadian English speaker -good luck with the paper!

    I love your black pullover – it looks like the perfect casual wear-it-with-everything sweater – love those!

    And I love the dreamcatcher cardi- I don’t have loop-d-loop, but I might have to get it – I hope the front is as cool as the back – can’t wait to see your progress!

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