slow and steady

The other night I started watching Friday Night Lights. Now, I’m not a sports person, and we just didn’t have that sort of sport spectacle at my high school, with the marching bands and the cheerleaders. In fact, we didn’t have a football team at all (we did have a bunch of other sports, but I didn’t really know anyone that was involved). But I am a longtime Kyle Chandler fan (from Early Edition!), I’m always looking for something new to watch, and my Twitter friends assured me that it is a really great show.

So now I’m hooked. I borrowed the first season DVDs from my cousin, I get to sit on the couch which is heated by the heating register below, and I knit on my Diva sweater.


The construction is very interesting, but it makes for some unwieldy knitting! Just bound off the collar, which is constructed in two halves that meet at the back of the neck. Just need to sew in the sleeves and give it a good wet blocking and it’ll be ready to wear!






10 responses to “slow and steady”

  1. Gigi Avatar

    I grew up about 90 miles from the town the original “Friday Night Lights” was based on (Odessa, TX), and our high school football team was one of their biggest rivals. As a kid, I went to Friday night football with my parents every week (when there was a home game). I remember my mom & dad taking stadium seats, plaid wool blankets and thermoses of coffee and hot chocolate on the cold nights. I have to say I have many good memories of football season, and the sound of a marching band still gives me goosebumps ;)!
    Can’t wait to see your finished Diva!

  2. Jocelyn Avatar

    FNL is a wonderful show. It’s about so much more than high school football! Enjoy.

  3. Jocelyn Avatar

    The first season of FNL is the best, as with any TV show. Enjoy every minute of it!

  4. Seanna Lea Avatar

    The sweater looks really interesting. I’m looking forward to its full reveal. (And knitting in front of the television is the best even when it isn’t on).

  5. Jennifer O. Avatar
    Jennifer O.

    I love FNL, especially the first season, and I always tell people that it’s not about football, or just about football, it’s so much more. And I am a longtime Kyle Chandler fan too, but from Homefront, even before Early Edition! I would say you should watch that, but to my knowledge it hasn’t been released on DVD.

  6. Katinka Avatar

    The first season of FNL broke my heart about a million times over. Excellent stuff. :)

  7. Rose Avatar

    Kyle is a cutie! I love watching dvds and knitting!

  8. ChiLibrarian Avatar

    Love the color of the sweater!

    I wish Homefront was on DVD – Mr. Chandler is excellent in it, and so young. Such a better show than Early Edition, although I watched that just for Kyle.

  9. SJS Avatar

    Dear Laura:
    Your recent comment just goes to show how cultural differences affect people. For me,
    as a Torah-observant Jew, Friday night lights means the kindling of the Sabbath candles which
    bring in the Sabbath, our day of rest and prayer.
    My high school in Brooklyn, NY didn’t have a football team because the principal thought the game was too dangerous for high school.
    BTW, I love your blog and all of your patterns.
    SJS, Efrat, Israel

  10. Pam Avatar

    We love FNL! I am so sad that there is only one episode left for the entire series. I love Kyle’s eyes. (swoon!)

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