so many socks!

I finished up the pair of plain stockinette socks I started in Dublin – one skein of fingering weight merino from Dublin Dye Company, 2mm needles, 64 sts.

finished socks!

Since the socks are really speaking to me these days, I decided to start a new pair – these ones are my first pair of Monkeys, believe it or not! It turns out that although I don’t knit much from other people’s patterns these days, following a pattern for a pair of socks seems to hit just the right knitting sweet spot.


Fingering weight merino from Indigo Moon – it’s been in the stash forever!



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4 responses to “so many socks!”

  1. Maryse Avatar

    The pairs are really nice! The yarn of the base sock is simply beautiful and your Monkeys are gorgeous!

  2. Cassy Avatar

    Those monkeys are excellent!!! And that stockinette shows off the Dublin Dye Company yarn just beautifully. Hear Hear for socks!

  3. Michelle Avatar

    Is the plain stockinette socks knitted toe-up or top down? How can I get the pattern for it? Both socks are just lovely and I love the yarn color choice for the Monkeys. Thanks!

  4. Knittripps Avatar

    Some day I will get around to knitting a pair of monkeys. I’ve been meaning to knit them for ages. Yours are beautiful!

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