I actually really need to be knitting some of those French Press Felted Slippers right now since the lozenge pattern socks are off the needles!
2 skeins of Austermann Royal and loosely based on Nancy Bush’s pattern from Knitting Vintage Socks. I did my cuff differently, subbed my own heel and toe, and did the whole sock on 70 sts.
Of course, I cast on for some more socks right away – I guess I’m kind of in sock mode now!
I have such mad love for this sock right now – this leg was one afternoon/evening of knitting (at work and then a little bit at home). Based on another sock from Knitting Vintage Socks. I’m working this over 68 sts, in Dream in Color Smooshy. The colour is Shiny Moss and I LOVE it!
One thing I don’t love? Lenses that are picky about focusing. I went out into the rather cold weather (hovering around the freezing mark) in the hopes of getting some pattern photos for 2 sweaters.
I stayed out there for a good long while, toes getting colder and colder, and managed only a handful of useable shots – not even of the sweater that I really wanted to get photos of! (The red cabley one I’m wearing the photo). Sigh. The Sigma 30mm lens I love is kind of moody and wasn’t focusing properly with the remote, so I have a LOT of out of focus photos. Sigh. I guess I’ll have to just try again this week. Maybe with someone else as the model.
(More love to balance out the annoyed face – have you seen Dr. Steph’s Hansel mittens? I need some to go with my Gretel, and they look super fast and cozy!)
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