Aw, thanks for all the awesome comments! When I picked Limerick as my project, I really, really REALLY didn’t think I was going to finish within the time – just ask Jen or Megan! Now I feel like I can tackle just about anything, and isn’t the the whole point?
Anyway, onto some brand new content. I’ve got a lot to talk about today!
I finished spinning up my neapolitan roving, and I now have four skeins (one is a bit smaller than the others) of navajo-plied merino goodness. The far left skein is the first one I did; I think it has longer repeats of the colours so it should stripe at smaller stitch counts. I’m planning to swatch some of this as soon as I’ve set it.
In other spinning, I spun up my very first skein of ingeo. The first time I tried spinning it was on the drop spindle, and that didn’t work out too well – I was a rank beginner then, too. Now that I’m not-so-rank and have the wheel, it worked out pretty well! The first photo here is from my old reliable camera, following two are with a newer camera that I’m still figuring out.
The skein weighs in at an almost perfect 110 yards, and about, oh, 3.5 ounces? Silly me didn’t save any of the fibre for blending, but I’m sure I’ll pick up more at some point. It’s really quite shiny and pretty, the structure is really well defined as well. I’m still a bit iffy on the feel – it’s soft, but it is kind of that synthetic softness. Up next, some straight soy silk.
In knitting, here’s what a cone (225 grams, about a half pound) of Louet Gems Topaz will get you:
This sweater’s going remarkably fast, although now it’s a bit big to carry around and thus will probably see less time. Same thing goes for the next project, although I’m rather determined to finish this one by the weekend (I haven’t shown this already, have I?):
A Charlotte’s Web shawl, using Jaggerspun wool/silk worsted weight. It’s a lot bigger than in that photo now, and quick to knit too (big needles + holes = fast)!
Ooookay, I think that’s everything for today! Off to the wheel.
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