Ah, squares. So soothing and easy and fun. I’ve been planning a blanket out of the Pakucho organic cotton I’ve got, and here’s the start. Well, “planning” is a stretch; I’m just going to knit random squares until I run out of yarn. I only have a few skeins of the green (yeah, it’s green) so I’m doing striped ones with that, and then the rest will be solid cream. It’s going to be great.
Aaaaand again it’s the end of the weekend, and I’m tired and stressed and somewhat hungry (although I did have a big supper – roasted veg, veggie sushi, squash). I’m sort of wanting to cast on a new sweater, but at the same time wanting all my other projects to be done already! At the moment I’m finishing up a toe on a sock, which has been long neglected.
The grey cabled cardi has all its pieces done; it just needs tobe sewn up and the collar knit. I should do that soon, since although it’s very warm this week (16 C on Wednesday!) it’s going down to freezing and below by next weekend.
I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by the stash and the stack o’ projects, and yet I just keep being more inspired and adding stuff to the stash! Anyway, here’s an opinion question for you all – I’m going to knit a blankie (yeah, it’s a blankie epidemic over here) out of Socks that Rock from the stash. It’s all kind of random colourways, but I think it’ll work all together.
So – what kind of blankie do I do?
a) log cabin – one big square
b) log cabin – small squares
c) mitred squares
d) something else?
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